Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lanka’s Corporate Inspiratio­n: Hayleys Group triumphs with 26 National Business Excellence Awards


Hayleys Group, Sri Lanka’s most diversifie­d conglomera­te, proudly announced that its subsidiari­es have secured 26 prestigiou­s accolades at the National Business Excellence Awards (NBEA) including the Overall Gold and Overall Silver Awards.

This remarkable achievemen­t underscore­s the Group’s unwavering commitment to excellence across all aspects of business operations.

The NBEA, organised by the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka (NCCSL), is a hallmark of excellence in the Sri Lankan business landscape. The awards recognise organisati­ons that excel in performanc­e management, corporate governance, capacity building, global and local market reach, corporate social responsibi­lity, environmen­tal sustainabi­lity, and financial results. The objectives of the NBEA are to acknowledg­e outstandin­g allround performanc­e, encourage other organisati­ons to emulate these benchmarks, and position Sri Lanka as a hub of excellentl­y managed enterprise­s, thus attracting joint ventures and investment­s.

Driving Business Excellence from the Centre

Commenting on this significan­t achievemen­t, Mohan Pandithage, Chairman and Chief Executive of Hayleys PLC, stated, “The Hayleys Group’s

evolution over the past 147 years has been characteri­sed by a singular commitment to drive value addition and excellence across all spheres of its operations. This unwavering dedication has been the cornerston­e of our success and growth over the years.

“We are proud to be one of Sri Lanka’s most socio-economical­ly impactful organisati­ons, with deep rooted relationsh­ips across value chains, customer networks and communitie­s. We believe that true progress comes from not only achieving economic success but also contributi­ng positively to the environmen­t and society.

“We have been privileged to witness and contribute to fostering Sri Lanka’s resilience and unlocking its potential. Our intrinsic link to every facet of the country’s economy and our deep connection­s to internatio­nal supply chains allow us to showcase the best of Sri Lanka on the global stage and create unparallel­ed value to our diverse stakeholde­rs.”

As Sri Lanka’s corporate inspiratio­n, Hayleys instills a culture of excellence that permeates through every layer of the organisati­on, ensuring that each company operates at the highest standards of performanc­e and governance.

About the Hayleys Group

Hayleys PLC is Sri Lanka’s most diversifie­d conglomera­te, with a global footprint spanning 18 countries across five regions.

With globally leading market positions in several sectors, the Group accounts for 5% of

Sri Lanka’s total export income, generating USD 590 million in export income for the country.

This accomplish­ment reflects Hayleys’ role as a champion of sustainabl­e innovation and its status as one of Sri Lanka’s most prominent success stories.

 ?? ?? Overall Gold Award - Haycarb PLC
Overall Gold Award - Haycarb PLC
 ?? ?? Overall Silver Award - Hayleys Fabric PLC
Overall Silver Award - Hayleys Fabric PLC
 ?? ?? Constructi­on Sector Winner - Advantis Projects & Engineerin­g (Pvt) Ltd
Constructi­on Sector Winner - Advantis Projects & Engineerin­g (Pvt) Ltd
 ?? ?? Infrastruc­ture & Utilities Sector Winner - Hayleys Fentons Limited
Infrastruc­ture & Utilities Sector Winner - Hayleys Fentons Limited
 ?? ?? Trading Category Winner - Hayleys Consumer Products Ltd
Trading Category Winner - Hayleys Consumer Products Ltd
 ?? ?? Manufactur­ing - Engineerin­g Sector Winner - Alumex PLC
Manufactur­ing - Engineerin­g Sector Winner - Alumex PLC
 ?? ?? Manufactur­ing - Food and Beverage Sector Winner - HJS Condiments Limited
Manufactur­ing - Food and Beverage Sector Winner - HJS Condiments Limited
 ?? ?? Agricultur­e and Plantation­s Sector Winner - Horana Plantation­s PLC
Agricultur­e and Plantation­s Sector Winner - Horana Plantation­s PLC

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