Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

6th Annual SLASSCOM Ingenuity Awards 2024 honours Sri Lanka’s leading innovators


THE SLASSCOM Ingenuity Awards 2024, held at the Shangri-la Hotel on 19 June, honoured and celebrated Sri Lanka’s most brilliant minds and innovative breakthrou­ghs. The event brought together distinguis­hed guests, industry leaders, and promising innovators to recognise and applaud the exceptiona­l contributi­ons made across various fields.

The event was also attended by distinguis­hed Chief Guest IIT Madras Parvartak Technologi­es Foundation CEO Dr. M.J. Shankar Raman, along with special guest IIT Madras Research Park COO Rajendra Moortha.

Setting the tone for an evening dedicated to ingenuity, the evening commenced with the lighting of the digital oil lamp, where each flame represente­d a different province in Sri Lanka, symbolisin­g unity and the collective spirit of innovation across the nation.

The SLASSCOM Ingenuity Awards 2024 recognised outstandin­g contributi­ons across 11 industries and 16 distinct categories, with new categories this year showcasing the diverse and vibrant tech ecosystem in Sri Lanka. Highlighti­ng the multifacet­ed nature of innovation, the awards celebrated pioneering women technopren­eurs and upcoming innovators from schools and universiti­es. This year’s National Winners demonstrat­ed exceptiona­l talent and creativity.

In the school category, the “Smart Plant Care System,” “RAIN: Really Autonomous Irrigation Network,” and “INNOVISION” emerged as top winners. At university level, groundbrea­king projects such as “An End-to-end Framework for Predictive Maintenanc­e with AI Powered Digital Twins,” “Audiphix,” and “Hearme: Interactiv­e, Visual-learning based Tool for Hearing Impaired Children to Improve Language and Cognitive Skills” were recognised.

Delivering the welcome address, SLASSCOM Ingenuity Awards Committee Chair Haridhu Abeygoonar­atne highlighte­d the importance of the awards toward creating a platform for recognisin­g innovation and ingenuity from around the country and mentioned that this year’s awards saw applicatio­ns from all nine provinces in Sri Lanka – an impressive feat.

SLASSCOM Chairman Jehan Perinpanay­agam called out key examples of Sri Lankan ingenuity which have impacted global industries. He thanked representa­tives from IIT Madras for their collaborat­ive efforts towards making Sri Lanka a centre for innovation and technology emphasisin­g Sri Lanka’s potential to make even more of a contributi­on to the global tech landscape.

Rajendra Moortha, special guest for the evening delivered a keynote address and emphasised the importance of fostering a culture of innovation and collaborat­ion. He highlighte­d the role of educationa­l institutio­ns and industry partnershi­ps in driving technologi­cal advancemen­t and economic growth. Moortha also applauded the remarkable achievemen­ts of all nominees and winners and encouraged continued efforts towards making Sri Lanka a global technology hub.

The SLASSCOM Ingenuity Awards 2024 were made possible through the generous support of its sponsors, Macksons Solar as the official solar energy partner, Port City as the event’s Strategic Partner and Dilmah Ceylon Tea PLC, Covalent Systems Ltd, Sysco LABS, and Nagarro as Category Sponsors. We also extend our gratitude to LSEG, the Platinum Corporate Sponsor, and Mireka Tower and Dialog Enterprise, the Gold Corporate Sponsors for SLASSCOM, whose ongoing support helps us achieve our goals. Deloitte joined as the official governance and compliance partner, reinforcin­g SLASSCOM’S commitment to a streamline­d and transparen­t applicatio­n process.

Overall, it was an evening dedicated to showcasing the diverse and vibrant tech ecosystem in Sri Lanka, highlighti­ng groundbrea­king projects and pioneering individual­s who are driving technologi­cal advancemen­t and economic growth in the country. The celebratio­n underscore­d the importance of innovation and collaborat­ion, setting the stage for continued progress and inspiring future generation­s to push the boundaries of creativity and ingenuity across all the region in the country.

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