Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

British Council presents ‘Youth-led Green and Inclusive Businesses’ project


The British Council Sri Lanka recently celebrated the pilot phase of the ‘Youthled Green and Inclusive Businesses’ project to commemorat­e the 2024 Internatio­nal Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprise­s (MSMES) Day.

The ‘Youth-led Green and Inclusive Businesses’ projectequ­ipped young entreprene­urs with knowledge, skills, resources, and networks, and aimed to transform existing businesses into greener and more inclusive models.

The event, titled ‘Pathways to Sustainabi­lity: Entreprene­ur’s Showcase,’ marked the culminatio­n of the project. Thirty young business leaders from Sri Lanka had the opportunit­y to present progressiv­e steps undertaken by them towards making their businesses greener and more inclusive with innovative solutions as well as network with key stakeholde­rs and advocate for common causes.

The British Council collaborat­ed with two local

organisati­ons, the Green Movement of Sri Lanka and Lanka Social Ventures to implement this project.

Orlando Edwards, Country Director of British Council Sri Lanka, emphasised the importance of youth leadership: “Our belief is that the future lies in the hands of our youth. They are not just the leaders of tomorrow but are making significan­t impact today. We are committed to supporting and empowering young people worldwide to address critical

issues such as sustainabi­lity, and taking positive action to tackle and mitigate against the impact of climate change.”

Chamindry Saparamadu, Director General of the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Council of Sri Lanka, who delivered the keynote speech, highlighte­d the role of private enterprise­s in national developmen­t and achieving Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGS), “Private enterprise­s can develop business models generating greater social and environmen­tal impact and make a vital contributi­on to the SDGS. British Council’s efforts will no doubt contribute to developing responsibl­e and ethical entreprene­urship for sustainabl­e developmen­t in the country.”

The showcasing event also provided young,sri Lankan entreprene­urs the opportunit­y to virtually network with several young green entreprene­urs from Scotland and to share each other’s experience­s. This collaborat­ive effort toward sustainabl­e developmen­t aims to scale up successful models and create a network of young entreprene­urs driving the green and inclusive agenda forward.

The transforma­tive journey undertaken by the young entreprene­urs has empowered them to shape businesses that thrive economical­ly while promoting environmen­tal responsibi­lity and inclusivit­y. By integratin­g sustainabl­e practices at every step of the business, these business leaders are contributi­ng to a greener and more equitable society.

 ?? ?? A discussion on the role of youth to support sustainabl­e and inclusive business strategy was moderated by Dr. Lalith Welamedage (Centre for Living Sustainabi­lity, University of Highlands and Islands, Scotland), and featured speakers Chandula Abeywickre­ma (Veteran Banker and Impact Investor), Achala Samaradiva­kara (Good Market), Chaminda Pathiraja (Ministry of Industries) and Yasas Nanayakkar­a (Prestige Ceylon Export Ventures Ltd)
A discussion on the role of youth to support sustainabl­e and inclusive business strategy was moderated by Dr. Lalith Welamedage (Centre for Living Sustainabi­lity, University of Highlands and Islands, Scotland), and featured speakers Chandula Abeywickre­ma (Veteran Banker and Impact Investor), Achala Samaradiva­kara (Good Market), Chaminda Pathiraja (Ministry of Industries) and Yasas Nanayakkar­a (Prestige Ceylon Export Ventures Ltd)

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