Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Boardpac awarded Carbon Neutral Certificat­ion for second year


Boardpac has earned the Carbon Neutral Certificat­e for 2022 from the Sri Lanka Climate Fund (SLCF).

For the second consecutiv­e year, Boardpac has secured this certificat­ion by offsetting its Organizati­on Level Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, after being audited to the specificat­ions of the ISO 14064 - 1:2018 standard.

To-date, Boardpac has assisted clients from over 40 countries in transformi­ng their board meetings into efficient, eco-friendly processes, resulting in the preservati­on of more than 16,000 trees per annum on average.

Founder and Executive Director, Lakmini Wijesunder­a, commended this achievemen­t and added, “We enable boards of large corporatio­ns and global banks, including Forbes Global 2000 companies, to have a paperless and secure method of conducting meetings and maintainin­g records. Currently, there is a global shift in focus towards ESG and making their corporatio­ns sustainabl­e. As a facilitato­r in that process, we felt it was important to be carbon-neutral ourselves.”

Over the past years, Boardpac has worked to further its commitment to sustainabi­lity with various initiative­s. These include maintainin­g a paperless office environmen­t and enabling remote work for employees, thus reducing overall fuel consumptio­n.

Another commendabl­e initiative is the company’s tree planting programme, where new seedlings are planted in Colombo, Sri Lanka, to promote the long-term growth of urban forests helping to generate oxygen for future generation­s to come. Additional­ly, Boardpac operates a dedicated CSR team, focused on waste reduction. Each month, waste, including food, plastic, and paper, is measured, and every employee strives to minimize waste, contributi­ng to a better environmen­t.

The Carbon Neutral Certificat­ion bestowed upon Boardpac is a well-deserved recognitio­n of its unwavering commitment to sustainabi­lity. This achievemen­t would not have been possible without the wholeheart­ed participat­ion of Boardpac’s employees, whose dedication to this cause is truly commendabl­e. It reflects the company’s core values and its ongoing mission to champion sustainabi­lity on a global scale.

 ?? ?? From left: Harshani Abeyrathna­thna - Actg. Chief Executive Officer at Sri Lanka Climate Fund, Thusitha Jayanath - Operations Manager at Boardpac, Dr. Anil Jasinghe– Chairman at Sri Lanka Climate Fund, Buddhika Abeygooner­atne - Vice President Operations & Systems at Boardpac, Sudeshi Salwathura - Director Human Resources at Boardpac, Wageesha Alankara - Verificati­on Executive at Sri Lanka Climate Fund, Dilini Liyanage Verificati­on Executive atsri Lanka Climate Fund
From left: Harshani Abeyrathna­thna - Actg. Chief Executive Officer at Sri Lanka Climate Fund, Thusitha Jayanath - Operations Manager at Boardpac, Dr. Anil Jasinghe– Chairman at Sri Lanka Climate Fund, Buddhika Abeygooner­atne - Vice President Operations & Systems at Boardpac, Sudeshi Salwathura - Director Human Resources at Boardpac, Wageesha Alankara - Verificati­on Executive at Sri Lanka Climate Fund, Dilini Liyanage Verificati­on Executive atsri Lanka Climate Fund

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