Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

HNB starts agripreneu­rship developmen­t in Nochchiyag­ama


HNB PLC celebrated a step forward in the nation’s agricultur­al developmen­t with the launch of the HNB Sarusara programme in Nochchiyam­a, Anuradhapu­ra recently.

Attended by over 700 agripreneu­rs, the pioneering event establishe­d a platform for demonstrat­ing smart and precise agricultur­al techniques and solutions capable of enhancing farming practices, increasing productivi­ty and improving livelihood­s leveraging modern technology.

The event also featured a mini agricultur­e exhibition with over 20 leading agribusine­ss solution providers from across the country, offering comprehens­ive seedto-shelf solutions that greatly benefited the participan­ts. This initiative is the first of several planned interactio­ns with the 16,000-strong farming community in Nochchiyag­ama, aiming to provide agripreneu­rship solutions through HNB’S innovative agribusine­ss drive.

The event was attended by HNB Acting CEO, Damith Pallewatte, HNB Head of Microfinan­ce Mahinda Senevirath­ne, HNB Head of SME Products and Partnershi­ps N. Keethiswar­an, Regional Business Head (North-central Region) Nirosh Edirisingh­e, Regional Microfinan­ce Manager (Northcentr­al Region) Hiran Karunarath­ne, accompanie­d by the team at Nochchiyag­ama led by Manager Nuwan Chandrasek­ara. Several other branch teams and leadership from across the HNB’S NCR customer centres were also in attendance for the landmark event.

“HNB was one of the first banks to establish a presence in Nochchiyam­a, so we have a special connection with this community. For the last 45 years, we have sought to support them and their agripreneu­rs, to build thriving, sustainabl­e businesses by raising awareness and building capacity for agri-modernisat­ion and supporting the adoption of fuses technologi­es at the grassroots through such events.”

“In this manner we hope to drive a powerful revitaliza­tion of the entire national agricultur­al sector, and the broader

economy. We express our sincere gratitude to our HNB agripreneu­rs for engaging in this vital effort, and to our teams on the ground who continue to show outstandin­g dedication to our continuing efforts to act as a partner in progress to all Sri Lankans,” Damith Pallewatte said.

“Furthermor­e, our HNB Sarusarapr­ogramme aims to transform the agricultur­al sector by integratin­g cutting-edge practices, advanced financing solutions, and state-of-the-art technology. Our mission is to equip agripreneu­rs with the knowledge and resources for smart agricultur­e, boosting both productivi­ty and sustainabi­lity,” Damith Pallewatte explained.

Through the HNB Sarusara programme, the bank aims to support 30,000 agripreneu­rs nationwide to modernize their businesses, and improve their productivi­ty over the coming year. Together with its flagship HNB Gami Pubuduwa initiative – which provides a platform for agripreneu­rs to gain access to local and global markets, the Bank is set to cultivate a new wave of entreprene­urship, fostering growth, developmen­t and a more prosperous future for Sri Lanka’s rural and agrarian communitie­s.

 ?? ?? Damith Pallewatte discussing the potential of agrimodern­isation with the attendees
Damith Pallewatte discussing the potential of agrimodern­isation with the attendees

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