Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Business chambers call for immediate halt to customs action


The Joint Chambers of Commerce yesterday expressed strong disapprova­l of the decision by the customs officers to work to rule, emphasisin­g the urgent need to resume normal operations to avoid further harm to businesses.

The customs officers, who are planning a strike today and tomorrow, have already caused significan­t delays in clearing import cargo, disrupting the supply chains and delaying production and delivery.

“The delay in clearing goods has led to considerab­le costs, including port demurrages, yard charges, vehicle detention charges and liner charges. The importers, in particular, are bearing the brunt of increased costs and delays, due to this ongoing action,” said the nine key chambers in a joint statement yesterday.

The chambers voicing their concerns include the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, American Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka, European Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka, Exporters Associatio­n of Sri Lanka, Joint Apparel Associatio­n Forum, National Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka, National Chamber of Exporters, Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka and Women’s Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

The chambers cautioned that the prolonged disruption would have a ripple effect on the exports, as the delays in clearing cargo would lead to vessels bypassing Sri Lanka altogether.

“This would jeopardise the delivery commitment­s of the local manufactur­ers to internatio­nal brands, further damaging

This would jeopardise the delivery commitment­s of the local manufactur­ers to internatio­nal brands, further damaging our economic reputation and future trade prospects” our economic reputation and future trade prospects,”

it said.

Among the cargo at the port are perishable food items, medicines and other essential goods. Continued delays could result in shortages of these supplies.

Any strike action, as planned for July 4 and 5, will only exacerbate the situation, leading to further hardships for businesses and the broader economy.

Asserting that at a time when the country is beginning to show signs of recovery and growth, actions of this nature would only dampen such positive momentum, the joint chambers called on the customs officers to reconsider their current actions in the context of the national economy and welfare of the public.

“We recognise that the grievances, if any, must be resolved through discussion and not by resorting to strike or workto-rule actions,” the joint chambers said, while emphasisin­g that the duties of the customs officers must be carried out with the highest standards of profession­alism and integrity, prioritisi­ng the nation’s interests above personal considerat­ions.

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