Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Goodbye, Dear Sandy

- Binara Panapitiya

Little did I know that nearly six years ago, when I received a call from Shiona Weeraseker­a of AWPA inquiring if my children, who were students at Royal College, could help them find Sandy, it would be the start of an unforgetta­ble story.

In 2018, Sandy, who lived at Royal College, was taken away by the dog pound for some unknown reason. Through AWPA’S interventi­on, she was relocated to their Dehiwala shelter. But Sandy was not happy at the shelter; the only place she wanted to be was at Royal College. The very next night, Sandy escaped, and everyone was desperatel­y looking for her.

I managed to contact one of the prefects, and we all searched tirelessly. Finally, after two days and after walking 7 km, we got a call from the school saying Sandy had found her way back to Royal College.

That was six years ago. After getting permission from the relevant authoritie­s, Sandy continued to live happily at Royal College. Roshan Chitty had her sterilized and vaccinated. Sandy mostly spent time with the prefects; it was her way of showing she wanted to be around those who appreciate­d school the most. The prefects loved her dearly, and each year, when a new batch of prefects was appointed, the outgoing prefects made sure Sandy was taken care of.

Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sandy was looked after by prefects who lived close to the school.

About three weeks ago, my eldest son, who is now out of school, got a message saying that Sandy had been diagnosed with lymphoma and was undergoing chemothera­py. During her last days, she was cared for by an old boy who lived close to

In a tting tribute to her loyalty and love, Sandy was buried at Royal College, the place she loved most...

the school; he constantly took care of Sandy and had taken her home as well.

When Sandy was in her final stages at Pet Vet, all her human friends visited her, making her feel comfortabl­e and staying by her side until she passed away in the evening on the 14th of June. In a fitting tribute to her loyalty and love, Sandy was buried at Royal College, the place she loved most in the world.

Sandy, what you may not have known is that you were one special lady who was loved by so many. Your resilience and determinat­ion to return to the place you loved inspired us all. You created a legacy of loyalty and affection that will be remembered by everyone at Royal College. Rest easy, dear Sandy. Your spirit will forever be a part of our school community.

One day, I hope you will walk through the college you loved so dearly as a human, feeling the same joy and love you brought into our lives.

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