Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Roshi Perera


Q 01 :- When my eldest got married and moved out, it didn’t impact me so much, as they were living quite close to my home, but now that my final kid is preparing to move overseas for a few years, I must admit to feeling moments of anxiety. Never sadness, though, because I am glad that they are happy in what they are doing and making their way forward in life.

Q 02 :- It’s just me at home, with my dogs, and I am happy to be still gainfully employed and occupied. I’m probably going to feel a bit lonely on the weekends, but I love to lose myself in a good book or a movie, which I can now do uninterrup­ted.

Q 03 :- Well….. when my youngest moved out (the first to fly away) for higher studies, I did feel anxious and concerned as she was so young and would be a stranger in a strange land. We also did not have the benefit of whatsapp calling at that time. But now, more than 10 years down the line, they are all settled and have found their niche and those early years and feelings of anxiety are but a dim memory now.

Q 05 :- My daughter and I make it a point to touch base via whatsapp calls, around twice a week as we both feel the importance of being in each other’s lives, and keeping the lines of communicat­ion open. With those who live here, we talk every few days and meet up at least once a week.

Q 06 :- Absolutely. Just be glad that you have raised children with the capability to be independen­t.

Q 07 :- Like I answered previously, be glad that you have given them the confidence to live and make it on their own. Be there when they need you. Make yourself available for grandparen­t duty. Revel in the ability to eat whatever you feel like, when you feel like it. Imagine having to plan menus for the rest of your life!!!

Q 08 :- You’ve done your job. Now sit back and enjoy the rest of your life. Some people get more involved with doing charity work, or church work etc. You could also rekindle old schoolday friendship­s.

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