Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

LOLC Finance pledges commitment to ocean conservati­on and sustainabi­lity


LOLC Finance marked World Environmen­t Day and Ocean Day with a series of impactful initiative­s aimed at fostering ecological conservati­on and awareness.

World Environmen­t Day holds profound significan­ce for LOLC Finance, underscori­ng the increasing importance of environmen­tal, social, and governance (ESG) factors in financial decisions.

A significan­t highlight of these celebratio­ns was marked by signing the “Life to Mangroves” project agreement at LOLC’S Head Office. Spearheade­d by LOLC Finance’s Chief Operating Officer, Montini Warnakula, and Head of Finance, Buddhika Weerathung­a, the agreement pledges support to restore mangrove ecosystems in the Anawilunda­wa Ramsar Wetland Sanctuary.

This initiative aims not only to enhance ecological health and protect coastlines but also to contribute significan­tly to global sustainabi­lity goals such as the UN Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGS) and the Blue Carbon Initiative.

The event, graced by the presence of Biodiversi­ty Sri Lanka’s Directors, Ranjith Pandithage and Lasitha Wimalaratn­e, highlighte­d LOLC Finance’s role as a Patron Member of Biodiversi­ty Sri Lanka. This partnershi­p emphasizes LOLC Finance’s tie to environmen­tal sustainabi­lity and upholding responsibl­e corporate citizenshi­p.

Furthermor­e, LOLC Finance celebrated the Ocean Day with a focus on educating young students about ocean conservati­on. Hasitha Kesara Weththamun­i, Principal of Prince of Wales College together with his student, joined LOLC Finance representa­tives and nature enthusiast­s to emphasize the critical

role of oceans in regulating climate and supporting biodiversi­ty. The initiative aimed to inspire the next generation to adopt sustainabl­e practices and contribute to a healthier planet.

Montini Warnakula, Chief Operating Officer of LOLC Finance said, “We firmly believe that businesses bear a responsibi­lity to champion initiative­s that safeguard our environmen­t and empower future generation­s to embrace environmen­tal stewardshi­p. Our commitment to these principles features our mission to integrate sustainabi­lity into every facet of our operations, contributi­ng to a healthier planet for all”.

 ?? ?? Following the MOU signing between LOLC Finance and Biodiversi­ty Sri Lanka
Following the MOU signing between LOLC Finance and Biodiversi­ty Sri Lanka

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