Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Int’l university at Port City Colombo set to elevate regional education


Port City Colombo is set to become the engine of Sri Lanka’s future economic developmen­t by opening up opportunit­ies for local and internatio­nal university level students to pursue academics in diversifie­d fields of study.

Fulfilling the regional demand for undergradu­ate and postgradua­te degree programmes in engineerin­g, informatio­n technology, business studies/management, finance, marketing and medicine, the multiservi­ces Special Economic Zone aims to contribute positively towards the reversal of brain drain and reduction of the current skill gap in the local employment market.

Soon to be showcased at Port City Colombo, the internatio­nal university, commanding a premier record in research and developmen­t, is expected to position Colombo into a strategic regional hub for tertiary education.

It will be located adjacent to the internatio­nal school on a 2.5-hectare land plot, housing a number of key faculties staffed by acknowledg­ed subject matter experts facilitati­ng both undergradu­ate and postgradua­te degrees. The internatio­nal university is estimated to accommodat­e a capacity of 3,000 to 4,000 students.

The university will offer a projected academic programme in the field of medicine, which will support Port City Colombo’s vision of providing world-class learning and training facilities that would encourage prospectiv­e medical students to pursue their studies locally.

“With several medical students migrating overseas, due to limited university placements in Sri Lanka and attractive postgradua­te work permit programmes, the university will create a thriving ecosystem, where these students could equip themselves with the skills and competenci­es required for a successful career in medicine.

“This will also include a potential partnershi­p with the teaching school at the proposed internatio­nal hospital in Port City Colombo,” Port City Colombo said.

By providing undergradu­ate and postgradua­te degrees in technology, the internatio­nal university will further enable the growth of Sri Lanka’s IT sector, which is currently the third largest foreign exchange earner for the country.

Degree programmes in the STEM field will also be a focus of the internatio­nal university at Port City Colombo. With the goal of making Sri Lanka more globally competitiv­e, the university will underscore the production of more STEM graduates that will contribute towards the progress of this ever-crucial sector.

As Sri Lanka is being currently outpaced by STEM graduates from countries such as Singapore, India and China, the internatio­nal university will enhance the employabil­ity and developmen­t of a highly skilled workforce that would drive Sri Lanka’s ambitious growth targets in the next few decades, Port City Colombo said.

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