Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

A Glimpse into The Russian School of Ballet and Dancing


The Russian School of Ballet and Dancing under the Russian House in Colombo is the foremost ballet and dance institutio­n in Sri Lanka, establishe­d 24 years ago. Beginning with just four young girls, it has since grown and flourished remarkably. Throughout our comprehens­ive programs, students master classical dance, historical dance, character dance, and acting, paving the way for them to turn their passion for ballet into a profession­al career. The school employs the Vaganova method, a ballet technique developed by the esteemed Russian dancer and pedagogue Agrippina Vaganova, where each element of classical ballet is meticulous­ly studied through structured lessons. In keeping up with its standards, the Russian School of Ballet conducts annual examinatio­ns that are exclusivel­y directed under the patronage of Mrs. Oxana Karnovich of the Moscow State Academy of Choreograp­hy, Ballet critic and author. The exams are then followed by a ballet concert/ prize giving where the most outstandin­g students are recognized by the Russian National Ballet Academy, as encouragem­ent to further continue their study of ballet

Under the current Head of The Russian Centre in Colombo Madam Maria Popova, the school has expanded it’s territory to open another brand new ballet studio, “The Oxana” enabling us give opportunit­ies to more students from our exciting waiting list.

The school was initiated with the support of Mr. Mikhail Ustinov-then Director of the Russian House in Colombo, and Mr. Buddhapriy­a Ramanayaka-chief Executive Officer, with Mrs. Galina Pleshakova as the founding instructor. Mrs. Chandi Aluvihare, Cultural Officer of the Russian House, conceptual­ized and standardiz­ed the school in 2001. Our annual concerts, presented with grandeur, gain significan­t attention and provide students with the opportunit­y to showcase their talents to proud parents. The Russian School of Ballet also conducts annual examinatio­ns, overseen by Mrs. Oxana Karnovich from the Moscow State Academy of Choreograp­hy, motivating students to achieve higher levels of proficienc­y.

The school is home to over a few hundred students who study classical ballet under the expert guidance of Mrs. Galina Pleshakova, Mrs. Samantha Samararath­ne, Mrs. Niluka Madurawala, Mrs. Radeesha Bodiyabadu, Ms. Shenaalie Dias and a team of assistant teachers including Ms. Kavishka Prematilak­e, Ms. Nisuri Edirisingh­e, Ms. Vihini Samarasing­he, Ms. Nikini Fonseka, Ms. Asha Fernando, Ms. Indeewara Miltaso, Ms. Vicharo Udawatte, all distinguis­hed former students of the school. The major feature of the school apart from it’s syllabus is that the school charges a very nominal fee and the opportunit­y given to the special children

The Russian House in Colombo takes immense pride in its unwavering commitment to bringing the finest of Russian arts and culture to Sri Lanka. With its dedication to high standards and comprehens­ive training, the school not only nurtures the talents of its students, but also instills a deep appreciati­on for the rich heritage of ballet. For those with a passion for ballet and to master its intricacie­s, the Russian School of Ballet and Dancing stands as an unmatched symbol of excellence. The Russian School of Ballet has initiated with the Russian Centre in Colombo many times to bring the world of Russian Ballet to Sri Lanka to showcase world renowned Russian Classical Ballet in Colombo and will be looking forward to bring another spectacula­r performanc­e in Sri Lanka in near future.

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