Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



Russia is a dynamicall­y developing country. The desintegra­tion of the Soviet Union was followed by hard times for the people, state and economy. The terror war by extremists inspired by the Western powers was unleashed against us. Only when Mr. Vladimir Putin was elected as President, the situation began stabilizin­g which made possible the growth of the Russian economy and its population living standards.

Today Russia is a federative state of 89 regions – Republics (24), Krais (9), Oblasts (48), Federal Cities (3), Autonomous areas (4) and one Autonomous oblast. More than 146 mln people of 150 ethnical groups live in Russia on the vast territory of more than 17 mln sq.km. It is a secular state with Christian majority, where neverthele­ss the rights of all faiths’ followers are secured. Throughout the centuries Muslims, Buddhists and other religions have lived peacefully with Christians. And this kind of mutually respectful coexistenc­e will be further carefully preserved regardless the external efforts to disrupt it.

In recent years our country has launched numerous programs aimed at rebuilding economy, infrastruc­ture and improving living standards of ordinary people. Hundred thousand kilometers of new and reconstruc­ted roads and railways were built to ease the transition of passengers and goods. Numerous new factories are opening each year to give people jobs and produce the needed items.

The intercity and internal transport including more active use of electrobus­es and suburban trains is also under developmen­t.

For hundreds of years the Kerch straight was an obstacle on the route from Cuban to Crimea. Now, under the

Decree of the President, by the hard efforts of thousands citizens, this impediment is removed and the beautiful Crimean Bridge binds the banks of that straight, parts of one indivisibl­e country. The peninsula that finally came back to the native harbor, has direct, solid and short connection with the South of Russia. In the Russian North you can witness powerful atomic icebreaker­s, which pave the way for the caravans of ships passing through the North Maritime Route, the shortest sea route from the Northern Europe to China and North America.

20 percent of the Russian electricit­y generation (no breaks in supply and power shortages) is produced by nuclear power stations. Russia is an undisputab­le leader in this sphere, and there is no other country in the world with the same strong and reliable expertise in nuclear technologi­es.

The Russia’s experience in space exploratio­n is also unique. Our country is a leader in orbit launches. Our cosmonauts surf the outer space and carry out researches for future generation­s and improvemen­t of everyday life. We are aimed at discoverin­g new planets’ surfaces, delivering scientists to the Moon as a part of our Lunar program.

Despite the illegal western sanctions and attempts to “cancel” Russia, our industry is steadily developing. There is a significan­t growth in mechanical engineerin­g, light industry, car and tractor manufactur­ing and some other areas. Our opponents predicted the deficit of goods and long queues of unemployed and hungry workers but our manufactur­ers, on the contrary, managed to increase production and thus ensure our food security.

We are a peaceful nation fully devoted to the internatio­nal law. But Western countries, that see themselves as a globe hegemon, tend to take kindness for weakness. That’s why – and also due to their colonialis­t nature – they unleashed a total war, a genocide against Russians with the hands of a brotherly nation – Ukraine. Blatant abominable proxy war was aimed at eradicatin­g the Russian culture and history. We had no choice but to protect our people, our children, our borders and our state. That’s why the Special Military Operation in Ukraine was launched, and it will last till the fulfilment of its goals. No doubt that we will defeat the enemy!

As it was in 90s the West wants to defeat Russia and loot our heritage.

They would prefer not to see it on the map, at least that strong. But we, Russians, do need our country. And the rest of the world also does. Since it is the question of life and death, we will not allow them to implement their cruel fantasies.

Long live our Motherland – the Great Russia! Long live our people - united and free!

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