Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

UK and Sri Lanka join forces to protect marine environmen­t


The Ministry of the Environmen­t and the UK government’s Department for the Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs signed a Memorandum of Understand­ing (MOU) between the two nations, to protect and enhance the marine environmen­t.

Mr. Prabath Chadrakeer­thi, Secretary, Ministry of Environmen­t and Sara Rusling, Deputy Director for the UK’S Department for Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) signed the agreement that represents a united effort to work together to protect and enhance marine ecosystems to support biodiversi­ty and good water quality, whilst also providing sustainabl­e seafood for Sri Lankans.

Through the UK’S Ocean Country Partnershi­p Programme (OCPP), Sri Lanka and the UK will be collaborat­ing to tackle the three key challenges of marine biodiversi­ty, marine pollution and sustainabl­e seafood. The OCPP aims to support the marine environmen­t and to make a positive impact on the livelihood­s of coastal communitie­s that depend on healthy marine ecosystems.

The MOU recognises work that has been taking place over the last few years that includes joint research on plastic pollution, setting up new microplast­ics laboratori­es, knowledge exchange on scientific methods to support water quality monitoring and collaborat­ion to enhance Sri Lanka’s Marine Protected Areas to meet the country’s conservati­on ambitions and biodiversi­ty commitment­s. The programme also focuses on marine pollution emergency response techniques, with a focus on the environmen­tal aspects of prevention, preparedne­ss and response. Joint work has also taken place around enabling safe and sustainabl­e seafood production, particular­ly with regards to aquacultur­e.

The OCPP programme also includes work with the Associatio­n of Commonweal­th Universiti­es (ACU), providing scholarshi­ps for Masters students hosted by the University of Kelaniya and the University of Peradeniya.

The scholarshi­ps will enable scholars from Sri Lanka to harness their regional knowledge and conduct vital research that will contribute to the conservati­on and sustainabl­e management of marine resources, and strengthen responses to marine environmen­tal challenges.

Mr. Chandrakee­rthi said, “We are going to celebrate a new chapter of collaborat­ion and progress as we unite in purpose at the signing of this agreement. Together, we’re not just signing papers, we’re shaping the future, unlocking opportunit­ies, and fostering innovation. With the signing of this agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the government of Sri Lanka, it is expected that the two parties may implement activities and exchange of relevant scientific and technical informatio­n, capacity-building training and conduct collaborat­ive research and execute pilot projects to sensitize local stakeholde­rs on blue economy and marine spatial planning, provide consultati­on and exchange of good practices.

This MOU will provide a framework within which the parties can discuss and investigat­e areas in which to make research collaborat­ions under the Blue Planet Fund’s Ocean Country Partnershi­p Programme covering marine pollution, biodiversi­ty, ecosystem restoratio­n, climate or environmen­tal and other public health monitoring in order to protect the marine environmen­t and reduce poverty, which may be of potential interest and benefit to both participan­ts.”

The UK Marine Minister, Lord Benyon said,“the UK and Sri Lanka have a long history of collaborat­ion, and through our joint work have already made important progress on tackling marine pollution and supporting the biodiversi­ty of Sri Lanka’s waters.

This agreement formalises our efforts to secure a healthy marine environmen­t, and through the

UK’S Ocean Country Partnershi­p Programme, will help us tackle the pivotal challenges faced by marine life and coastal communitie­s in the future.”

Next steps in the partnershi­p will see the UK team continue to work with Sri Lanka Government department­s and agencies, Sri Lanka Universiti­es, NGO partners and civil society organisati­ons to:

• Increase data and evidence on the marine environmen­t (habitats and species mapping and condition assessment­s), threats and impacts (such as pollution and Illegal Unreported U fishing), and supporting informatio­n needed for sustainabl­e expansion of marine industry.

• Collaborat­e with key Sri Lankan stakeholde­rs to increase resources and capacity through targeted training and knowledge sharing.

• Work together to reduce the prevalence of marine pollution and its impacts through a range of approaches.

• Sustainabl­y grow the Sri Lankan blue economy in an informed and inclusive manner to support sustainabl­e livelihood­s.

• Increase the sustainabi­lity of the fisheries sector, including, increasing yields and production in aquacultur­e and reducing impacts of fisheries on the marine environmen­t.

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