Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Nawaloka Hospitals introduces preventive screening solutions


Nawaloka Hospitals PLC, a distinguis­hed leader in healthcare solutions, introduced its revolution­ary Elite Corporate Services, a groundbrea­king suite of preventive healthcare offerings tailored to meet the evolving needs of corporate organisati­ons.

Designed to empower employees and clients with proactive, personalis­ed healthcare strategies, Elite Corporate Services goes beyond traditiona­l medical assessment­s, combining state-ofthe-art diagnostic technologi­es and data-driven insights to uncover each individual’s unique health risks and preventive care needs.

“In today’s fast-paced corporate landscape, the well-being of employees is not just a moral imperative but a strategic necessity for organisati­onal success,” said Nawaloka Hospitals PLC CEO and Chairman Dr. Jayantha Dharmadasa. “With Elite Corporate Services, we are redefining corporate healthcare by equipping organisati­ons with the tools and expertise to foster a culture of preventive care and holistic well-being.”

The comprehens­ive suite of services include advanced Corporate Annual Medicals, utilising cuttingedg­e screening methods such as full-body MRI scans, genetic profiling and personalis­ed biomarker analysis. These innovative assessment­s enable early detection of potential health risks, allowing for timely interventi­ons and personalis­ed healthcare plans.

In addition, Elite Corporate Services offers specialise­d programmes such as Food Handler Medicals, Insurance Medicals and Pre-employment Medicals, all designed to safeguard the health and well-being of the corporate workforce. Complement­ing these core offerings are first-aid training, customised dietary and nutrition guidance and comprehens­ive counsellin­g sessions to promote mental and emotional resilience.

“By empowering organisati­ons with predictive insights and personalis­ed preventive strategies, we are transformi­ng the corporate healthcare landscape,” said Nawaloka Hospitals Head of Marketing Rasika Thilakarat­ne. “Our goal is to equip employees and clients with the knowledge and tools to take charge of their health, fostering a culture of proactive wellness that drives organisati­onal success and prosperity.” Elite Corporate Services marks a pivotal moment in Nawaloka Hospitals PLC’S commitment to redefining healthcare standards in Sri Lanka. Through this pioneering initiative, the company continues to set new benchmarks in the industry, ensuring the longterm well-being and resilience of corporate entities and their most valuable asset – their people.

 ?? ?? Nawaloka Hospitals PLC CEO and Chairman Dr. Jayantha Dharmadasa inaugurate­s Elite Corporate Services centre with a ceremonial ribbon cutting
Nawaloka Hospitals PLC CEO and Chairman Dr. Jayantha Dharmadasa inaugurate­s Elite Corporate Services centre with a ceremonial ribbon cutting

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