Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Combank with Q&E to enhance SME capabiliti­es


Commercial Bank announced a strategic partnershi­p with Q&E to enhance the capabiliti­es of small and medium enterprise­s (SMES) through the Commercial Bank LEAP Global Linker platform.

The Commercial Bank LEAP Globallink­er is a pioneering initiative in Sri Lanka, spearheade­d by the bank itself. It’s a cutting-edge ecosystem designed to foster networking opportunit­ies, both domestical­ly and internatio­nally. Developed with the backing of the Internatio­nal Finance Corporatio­n, this platform is tailored to digitise enterprise­s and enhance business operations.

Aligned with global standards and leveraging the Globallink­er platform, Commercial Bank LEAP Globallink­er empowers SMES and corporate clients to establish online stores at no cost, facilitati­ng the sale of products and services. Through this platform, businesses can broaden their customer base, connect with potential investors and suppliers worldwide, bolster networking efforts, explore foreign markets and unlock exclusive perks from partners. Additional­ly, it serves as a secure space for communicat­ion, fostering ideasharin­g, collaborat­ions and knowledge exchange.

Under this collaborat­ion, Q&E will play a crucial role in developing go-tomarket strategies for SMES, creating LEAP profiles and e-stores and enriching the LEAP Globallink­er platform with specialise­d content and digital assets.

Commercial Bank Assistant General Manager Personal Banking/smes Ganeshan Sivasubram­aniam emphasised the bank’s ongoing efforts to support SME growth. “At Commercial Bank, we continuous­ly strive to provide cutting-edge solutions to our customers. We invite SMES to use the LEAP Global Linker platform to fuel their business success.”

“Q&E has over a period of three decades served several of the largest Sri Lankan corporate brands. Today, we are excited to expand our role by extending our service to the SME sector,” said Q&E CEO Dharshana Kumarawatt­e.

Empowering the SME sector is vital to Sri Lanka’s economy. Commercial Bank’s commitment to innovation and growth in the SME sector sets a new benchmark for developmen­t and support.

Interested SMES should contact the manager at their nearest Commercial Bank branch for more informatio­n and assistance or visit the website directly at commercial­bankleap.globallink­er.com.

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