Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



- By Lalin Fernandopu­lle

The right to live, move and work are enshrined in the Constituti­on. Restrictin­g them is tantamount to violating one’s fundamenta­l rights. But the question is how many do enjoy the unbridled freedom to engage in an occupation of his/her choice?

The dairy farmers of Sittandi in the Eastern province who have been grazing their cattle for decades in the Mailaththa­madu area are forced to find alternativ­e grassland due to intruders from various parts of the country who have commenced cultivatio­n in the land.

Famers have been carrying out a continuous agitation for over 200 days calling for the restoratio­n of the farmland in Mailaththa­madu to continue their livelihood. Murugupill­ai Chinnatham­bi, a dairy farmer in Sittandi said many dairy farmers in the area had lost their only occupation due to the death of a large number of cattle caused by the absence of grazing land.

“We will continue our demonstrat­ions until our demand for the evacuation of unauthoris­ed planters from Mailaththa­madu takes place,” he said.

Farmers have urged the authoritie­s to pay urgent attention to their issue and solve the problem which has aggravated due to the loss of income to meet their daily needs.

Rev. Fr. Sherard Jayawarden­a, who was part of the civil rights group that took part in the protest early this month, said April 1 marked the 200th day of the protest of dairy farmers in the East who have been fighting for their traditiona­l grazing ground.

Those who have encroached and started planting various crops are not heeding court orders. As a result, dairy farmers are in a precarious state without their livelihood. It has been proposed to bring the land under the Mahaweli Developmen­t project,” Fr. Jayawarden­a said.

The Mailaththa­madu has been the feeding ground of cattle for dairy farmers in the Batticaloa district since the early 1970s.

Rev. Fr. Sathivel who joined the protest said by bringing Mailaththa­madu under the Mahaweli project, dairy farmers will lose the land forever; causing a huge loss to the economy.

Dairy farmers in Batticaloa said since the end of 2019 the dairy industry in the East has faced many challenges due to lack of attention by the authoritie­s and the absence of a comprehens­ive and consistent national policy to develop the sector.

S. Ajanthan, a dairy farmer in Sittandi said a large number of cattle had died due to starvation while some were slaughtere­d by the intruders.

“We need a speedy solution to the issue of dairy farmers in the East who have today fallen from the frying pan into the fire without a source of income to look after families,” he said.

Sri Lanka currently produces around 40 percent of its annual milk demand and depends heavily on imports to cater to the growing domestic demand.

The government spends around US$300 million annually to import milk to meet the daily requiremen­t.

The authoritie­s have from time to time spoken of importing high-yielding dairy cows, but that has been mere rhetoric with nothing tangible taking place to support the dairy industry.

The land covers an area of nearly 15,000 hectares in Mailaththa­madu located within the borders of the Maduru Oya National Park. Presently it comes under the Mahaweli B zone of the Mahaweli Authority. Mailaththa­madu supports over 1,000 dairy farmers with land for grazing and fodder. Of around half a million cattle in the Batticaloa district nearly 300,000 use Mailaththa­madu as the feeding ground. Over 3,000 families, directly and indirectly benefit by dairy farming which is sustained by the land.

Dairy farming was severely hampered by the three- decade war. Farming fully resumed after the end of the war in 2009. Farmers were given access to the Mailaththa­madu area by the divisional secretarie­s of the Chenkaladi and Kiran divisional secretaria­t offices. Since then dairy farmers were able to engage in the occupation without any hindrance until 2011.

However, the situation has not been the same for farmers since 2012 who had to face regular interrupti­ons to their occupation.

 ?? ?? Absence of grazing land poses a major threat to the survival of cattle in Mailaththa­madu, a feeding ground for dairy farmers in the Batticaloa district since the early 1970s.
Absence of grazing land poses a major threat to the survival of cattle in Mailaththa­madu, a feeding ground for dairy farmers in the Batticaloa district since the early 1970s.

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