Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

SLFP faces conspiracy: Prof. Piyadasa


Senior Vice Chairman of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party Prof. Rohana Laxman Piyadasa said a conspiracy against the SLFP was being hatched by the government and that its main object was to lure the SLFP to become a constituen­t party of the government at the upcoming presidenti­al election and the general election.

He told the media in Kandy yesterday that the prevailing crisis in the party was just one episode of that conspiracy to absorb the SLFP to the SLPP led government or the UNP. He stressed that the majority in the country has welcomed the leadership of former President Maithripal­a Sirisena.

“Amid every crisis, the SLFP is dedicated to muster the support of all patriotic groups to defeat the UNP and the SLPP and to form a government. A despicable conspiracy has been launched at a time of crisis in the party. It is surprising that former President Chandrika Kumaratung­a who had not attended any meeting of the party all of a sudden stated that she is prepared to uplift the party. SLFP Central Committee, since long was of the opinion that the SLFP members should defect the government of

Amid every crisis, the SLFP is dedicated to muster the support of all patriotic groups to defeat the UNP and the SLPP and to form a government

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa but they did not. Ultimately his government collapsed and he was compelled to resign. Meanwhile former President Chandrika Kumaratung­a planned to remove the leader of the party through legal action.” he further said.

Deputy General Secretary of the Party Sarath Ekanayake addressed the gathering.

Electoral organisers in the Central Province and the District organisers were present at the occasion.

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