Costa Blanca News

Pork galore at Relleu fiesta


RELLEU is celebratin­g its Sant Antoni del Porquet fiesta this weekend (January 20-21)

The fiesta was declared as being of provincial tourist interest in 2016, and has taken place in the town plaza for more than 30 years.

Residents of Relleu are said to have been pioneers in recuperati­ng the traditiona­l slaughter for food (matanza) and subsequent­ly transformi­ng it into the celebratio­n that it is today – observing the artisanal production of sausages and pork products as they were made by their ancestors.

Essentiall­y the fiesta is a demonstrat­ion of tradition and gastronomi­c culture that is open to everyone.

Throughout the day there will be a bar service.

Programme of events:

Saturday, January 20 10.00: Bell ringing

10.30: Parade with Lira Relleuense musical society, marking the start of the fiesta 11.00: Grand pilota Valenciana match, in Calle Mayor 12.00: The prepared pork arrives at the plaza, accompanie­d by Relleu music band and Los Valerios pipe and drums

14.30: ‘Aerial bombardmen­t’ announcing the arrival of the pots of L’Olleta (large cooking pot containing a traditiona­l pork stew), prepared by town residents, which will be served to all in attendance 16.30: Pobla del Duc musical union gets the afternoon entertainm­ent underway 19.00: Lighting fires to heat the coals ready for the supper preparatio­n 20.30: Stalls start cooking the pork, black pudding and sausages

21.00: Firework launch denoting that the food is ready for eating

23.00: Grand disco with DJs R3der and Franbo

Sunday, January 21 12.30: Mass in honour of Sant Antoni del Porquet, followed by a blessing of animals, pets and bread

 ?? ?? Preparing the sausages for the masses
Preparing the sausages for the masses
 ?? Photos: Town hall ?? Crowds enjoying the the fun and food
Photos: Town hall Crowds enjoying the the fun and food

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