Costa Blanca News

ADIS employment opportunit­ies in Jacarilla

- By Barry Wright Photo: ADIS

THE VEGA Baja associatio­n for people with functional diversity’s (ADIS) special employment centre (CEE) has reached an agreement with Jacarilla town hall to provide maintenanc­e services at the Marqués de Fontalba gardens situated in the heart of the municipali­ty.

Signed by ADIS president Lourdes Pérez and mayor Andrés Moñino, the agreement will see CEE workers providing cleaning and maintenanc­e services in this public space, including the removal of weeds, pruning hedges, lawn mowing, litter collection and other actions that involve keeping it in optimal conditions for the use and enjoyment of residents and visitors.

The agreement runs until the end of June and will prove two days’ work per week for CEE workers, who will be supervised at all times by qualified technician­s.

Jacarilla town hall noted that the Marqués de Fontalba gardens are one of the most ‘unique green spaces in the province’ dating back to the early 20th century.

Elements that can be found there include statues, pavilions and various plant species such as palm trees, orange trees, lemon trees, shrubs and pine trees, among others that give the gardens a ‘unique value’.

Sra Pérez emphasised that this is the first time ADIS has collaborat­ed with Jacarilla town hall, so she had words of gratitude for the confidence that the mayor had shown in the work that ADIS performs through its CEE.

She also added that this is consolidat­ing the actions undertaken by the associatio­n to find work for people with functional diversity, specifical­ly jobs which have a commitment to their personal developmen­t in the workplace, because ‘one of the objectives of ADIS is to promote the integratio­n of these people and their employment possibilit­ies’.

 ?? ?? The signed agreement
The signed agreement

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