Costa Blanca News

U3A Marina Baixa spoilt for choice!

- By Joan Flint, press officer Photos: U3A MB

THE NEW year has brought a choice of activities for U3A Marina Baixa members, starting with the Solo Amigos group on Wednesday, January 10, where they met at the COMM, previously known as the Forum Mare Nostrum in Alfaz del Pi. As the group name suggests, it is open to any member who is alone but who may still wish to eat out with friends without feeling uncomforta­ble attending on their own. A total of 11 members attended and enjoyed a lovely lunch in the restaurant. Their next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 14 at Casa Pepe in Benidorm at 14.00. Thanks to Jane Goode for leading this group and the members who volunteer to organise the next events.

The start of 2024 saw the introducti­on of a new group on Thursday, January 11 – wine tasting - which proved to be a great success. A total of nine members attended and sampled four different wines, having to detect the aroma, area of production, type of grape and cost, with varying degrees of success! The tasting was concluded with cheese and biscuits, and ham and pâté, combined with interestin­g conversati­on, enhanced no doubt by the wine consumed! Thanks to Susan and Garry Bell for hosting this first group meeting in their home.

The Strollers group, led by Kaithe Green, started the year off on January 12 with a leisurely stroll on a sunny afternoon around Orxeta. Most people have heard of 'the bear went over the mountain….and all that he could see, was the other side of the mountain', but the group saw a lot more than the other side of the mountain. Puig Campana and Ponoche looked so different viewed from a little further inland and the well-groomed old town of Orxeta proved to be of great interest with its church, Ermita and wash house. The local authority had kindly provided a series of informatio­n boards telling the history of the town and surroundin­g area. The strollers finished their walk with refreshmen­ts in Bar Paco. Their next walk will be in February in the foothills of the Sierra Helada.

If any of the above have whet your appetite, why not go along to the U3A Marina Baixa AGM being held at the Casa de Cultura, Alfaz del Pi on Monday, January 22 at 11.00. Membership is €10 for the year and there are a variety of activities and events planned for the forthcomin­g months.

If you would like to learn more about the associatio­n, visit their Facebook page or contact the secretary on 96 584 58 03, mobile 615 745 366 or email

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