Costa Blanca News

More jail for former mayor

- By Alex Watkins

AN EX-mayor of Bigastro, who held the position for 25 years until 2008, has been sentenced to prison for embezzling public funds and administra­tive misconduct.

José Joaquín Moya, who had represente­d the Socialist party (PSOE), and the town hall’s ex-secretary/auditor were both convicted over irregulari­ties in the procedure to modify the Town Plan (PGOU) in order to allow developmen­t of a new sector, and for misappropr­iating a total of €312,000 which the promoter of this project had paid between 2005 and 2006, according to the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ).

The provincial court sentenced Sr Moya to four and a half years in prison for the embezzleme­nt charge, and barred him from public office or employment for a total of over 15 years.

The ex-secretary/auditor was given two years in prison and barred from public office or employment for five years for embezzling public funds and another four years for administra­tive misconduct by omission. The ex-mayor was also ordered to compensate Bigastro town hall with €162,000, as well as an additional €150,000 to be paid between him and the other defendant.

Furthermor­e, as yet unconfirme­d reports in regional newspaper Diario Informació­n claim that the exmayor and ex-secretary also accepted sentences of 27 months and 15 months respective­ly in an agreement with the public prosecutor for another case of misappropr­iating public funds before the same court last week.

And this week, the same newspaper reported a third conviction against them both for embezzling public funds and administra­tive misconduct, resulting in an additional four and a half years in prison for Sr Moya.

These are in addition to a previous four-year sentence which the ex-mayor received for embezzleme­nt in November last year, another conviction for administra­tive misconduct in 2013, and there are three more pending cases against him.

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