Costa Blanca News

New school finally opens

- By Shelley Liddell Photos: Town hall

AFTER years of studying in prefabrica­ted classrooms, 450 pupils and 30 teachers from the Doctor Álvaro Esquerdo public school in Villajoyos­a can now enjoy brand new premises.

The new school, located on Avenida Ciudad de Requena opened this Monday.

On the first day, councillor for education Marisa Mingot supervised the entrance of the pupils to the school, which has two access doors, one for infants and the other for primary school pupils. She also checked that all the facilities were in good working order during the course of the classes and that the traffic in the area was being regulated by local police officers.

Traffic is restricted on Avenida Ciudad de Requena at 09.00 and 14.00 in order to guarantee accessibil­ity and safety for families when entering and leaving the school.

There is also a temporary stopping area for vehicles in front of the school’s main gate at 15.30 and 17.00 to pick up pupils leaving school

Over the last few weeks, workers from Villajoyos­a council’s technical services and cleaning department, constructi­on workers and the teaching staff themselves have been moving materials from the prefabrica­ted classrooms to the new school and assembling the new furniture in the facilities.

The new educationa­l centre has been built on 4,400 square metres divided into two floors, with 600m2 of grounds containing a multipurpo­se sports court, a landscaped area and a vegetable garden.

There are six classrooms for infant education pupils, one multipurpo­se classroom and another for small special education groups, as well as two classrooms for two-year-olds, who have their own outdoor area.

The building also has 14 classrooms for primary education, as well as three workshops, a multipurpo­se room and another one for events with tiered seating, and includes a library, a dining room and a gymnasium.

 ?? ?? Outside the new school
Outside the new school
 ?? ?? Great new classrooms
Great new classrooms

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