Costa Blanca News

How to vote in the UK general election

- Photo: Labour Internatio­nal

Costa Blanca News spoke with Lorraine Hardy (LAH) of the Labour Internatio­nal Costa Blanca branch about the process of registerin­g to vote.

CBN: Who can register to vote in the forthcomin­g general election in the UK?

LAH: All British citizens who have at some stage lived in the UK can register to vote. If you have previously been registered to vote in the UK the form can be completed at in about five minutes. Before you get started, have your UK NI number and your passport close by – you’ll need it as you get further into the form.

CBN: What if some of our readers have never been registered to vote in the UK?

LAH: Then registrati­on may take a bit longer. If you have not been registered as an Overseas Voter in the UK before you will have to supply proof of identity and the UK address at which you last lived.

You may also have to supply scans of ID documents like your passport or driving licence. Documents for proof of your previous address include bank or building society statement, a utility bill, credit card statement, a DWP benefits (or benefits entitlemen­t) statement, mortgage statement, a P45 or P60 form, pension statement, council tax statement, etc. You might want to collect these documents and scan some of them before you start the online form.

CBN: What if I don’t have any of these documents showing the correct address?

LAH: If you don’t have any of these documents there is a further process called 'Attestatio­n' which can be used to help you to register. Potential Labour voters can contact Labour Internatio­nal at General-Elec tion@LabourInte­ for help.

CBN: Some of our readers will have been Overseas Voters at the 2019 General Election – will they still be able to vote?

LAH: Probably not. They will need to re-register. The old registrati­on system required Overseas Voters to re-register each year, so if they last registered for the 2019 General Election it will be out of date by now. The new system registers a person for three years. CBN readers can check with their local Electoral Registrati­on Office to see if their registrati­on is current.

CBN: How do I find my Local Electoral Registrati­on Office?

LAH: Go to register-to-vote - scroll down the screen to ‘Check if you’re already registered’. Click on ‘Local Electoral Registrati­on Office’, type in the postcode at which you were last registered – click the green button ‘find’ and you will be provided with the postal address of the electoral registrati­on office, website, phone number and email address. Send an email containing the postal address you used to register as an Overseas Voter and ask them to confirm when your current registrati­on expires.

CBN: As I will probably not be in the UK on election day, can I have a postal vote?

LAH: Yes, a postal vote is an option but I wouldn’t advise it. This is because of the limited amount of time between the Electoral Registrati­on Offices sending out postal votes and the date of return. In previous General Elections postal votes have arrived in Spain, France, etc. 24 hours before the election or even after the election. You will recall that in the recent Dutch general election over a 1,000 postal votes were not registered.

CBN: So, how do I cast my vote?

LAH: My recommenda­tion is to use a Proxy. A Proxy is someone who will vote on your behalf in the UK. It can be a friend or family member or, if you no longer have contacts near your previous UK address, Labour Internatio­nal can help you to find a proxy voter. Contact them at General-Elec tion@LabourInte­

If any CBN readers have problems with the registrati­on process Labour Internatio­nal would be pleased to hear of them, so they can be raised with the Electoral Commission.

 ?? ?? Lorraine Hardy with Harry Schindler, who led the campaign to regain the right to vote
Lorraine Hardy with Harry Schindler, who led the campaign to regain the right to vote

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