Costa Blanca News

New era of cooperatio­n for Mar Menor

Two government­s come together for the common good

- By Alex Watkins Photo: CARM

THE POLITICALL­Y opposed regional and national government­s have set up a committee so they can work together with town halls to protect and restore the Mar Menor.

Minister for the ecological transition Teresa Ribera and Murcia regional president Fernando López Miras were joined by the mayors of Murcia, Cartagena, Torre-Pacheco, Mazarrón, San Javier, San Pedro del Pinatar, La Unión, Los Alcázares, Fuente Álamo de Murcia and Alhama de Murcia.

The minister admitted that the committee is principall­y of ‘symbolic’ value but insisted it would ‘show their willingnes­s to work together to resolve problems’.

Sr López Miras claimed this inter-administra­tive committee will ‘ensure a better future for the ecosystem’, which has seen mass die-offs due to oxygen depletion caused by fertiliser­s.

He assured they would ‘work together based on dialogue’, following years of acting at loggerhead­s, and ‘start a new era based on understand­ing’, using ‘a shared route map, which is a guarantee to speed up the recovery of the Mar Menor’.

For the initially agreed fouryear period, the committee will meet at least once a year or when requested by its members, and can deploy work groups to cooperate with measures being carried out by any of the administra­tions involved.

These include the plan of priority actions for the Mar Menor, approved in November 2021 with a budget of €484 million.

Sra Ribera highlighte­d plans including a declaratio­n of environmen­tal interest for the lagoon and 10 tactics to tackle pollution where it originates using nature-based solutions and science.

Meanwhile Murcia has invested over €60M over the last four years in water treatment and flood prevention infrastruc­ture and removed 34,000 tonnes of biomass in the last two years.

And more than 9,000 hectares of illegally irrigated farmland have been disconnect­ed in the area, added the minister.

 ?? ?? Teresa Ribera and Fernando López Miras at the Mar Menor this week
Teresa Ribera and Fernando López Miras at the Mar Menor this week

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