Costa Blanca News

Great start to year for sports tourism in Torrevieja


FOOTBALL teams from the Netherland­s have kicked off 2024 by having training sessions at Torrevieja city of sport.

Councillor for sport Diana Box Alonso, says that this year's sports tourism activities have taken an important and innovative turn.

The year will begin with the presence of several overseas teams who will be carrying out their training activities in the town.

In January, the city of sport will host several Norwegian and Finnish athletics clubs, who will be training in discipline­s such as running, long jump, high jump, javelin and shot putt. Despite some windy and chilly days, the visitors will benefit from the favourable training conditions offered by the local climate.

The councillor pointed out that attracting sports tourism in January has historical­ly been a challenge. However, the efforts of the town hall, the regional and provincial government­s and the Costa Blanca brand have been successful. Not only are the numbers of tourist and sports visitors increasing year on year, but they are also managing to spread tourism throughout the year, filling the gaps in the traditiona­lly slow months.

The Netherland­s is an exciting addition this January, with several Dutch football teams visiting the town.

Squads from Pax, Fortuna Be Quick and Victoria are holding training sessions at the sports city and have played a triangular tournament against each other.

The Arnhemse Boys football club, again from the Netherland­s, also visited the town for various training sessions and a friendly match.

Adding to the exciting start to 2024 is the forthcomin­g visit of the DVV '09 football team, who will arrive in Torrevieja today. This will be the club’s fourth visit to the town.

Sporting activity in the town will not slow down with the departure of these groups. In addition to various events involving athletes from other nationalit­ies organised by bilingual private schools in the area, more groups of Nordic athletes and basketball teams from Poland are expected to visit and carry out training sessions during their sport’s respective closed seasons.

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Photos: Town hall

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