Costa Blanca News

Embracing a healthier you in the New Year

- By Joyce French

LET'S kick off the New Year with a fresh start to fitness here on Spain's sunny Costa Blanca!

Whether you're new to exercising or took a festive break, don't stress about being out of shape. Check out these simple and enjoyable tips to get moving again after all the excesses of the season.

Living in this beautiful area with almost year-round sunshine, there are plenty of options to stay fit and happy. Consider taking a leisurely walk along the beach, trying out roller skating on the promenade, or enjoying a nice bicycle ride with a friend. Join Nordic walking clubs, explore various sports clubs and gyms, or get energised with some cross-fit classes. Dance classes are also available at many places, and if you prefer staying at home, create your own keep-fit routine.

Contrary to what gyms might suggest, getting fit at home is completely doable. Through consistent practice and straightfo­rward techniques anyone can achieve their fitness goals without needing much space.

There are hundreds of options on today's social media channels, from beginner to advanced workouts, stretching, yoga, Pilates - all from the comfort of your own home, either on your mobile or computer.

To stay on track, mix up your workouts to target different muscle groups on different days, giving each group time to recover. Listen to your body, adjust your workout frequency based on how you feel, and consider the following tips:

Choose an activity you enjoy: Opt for something you genuinely like to keep yourself motivated in the long run. Whether it's yoga, Pilates, or running on a treadmill, find what brings you pleasure

Find a workout buddy: Working out with a friend increases motivation and reduces the likelihood of giving up. If finding a workout partner is challengin­g, consider joining a training group or class

Ditch the scales: Instead of stressing over weighing yourself every day, focus on making healthy lifestyle changes. Weight loss will follow naturally when you prioritise your wellbeing

Set short-term goals: Break down your fitness objectives into smaller, achievable goals. This not only makes progress seem more manageable but also helps maintain motivation

Step by step: Gradually reintroduc­e fitness into your routine after a break, acknowledg­ing that both cardiovasc­ular fitness and muscle strength require a measured approach. Start with low-intensity workouts, progressin­g in duration and intensity over time. Listen to your body and appreciate the progress made, focusing on the present rather than dwelling on past fitness levels

Keep in mind the following tips for safety on home workouts:

• Safeguard your joints

• Create ample room for movement

• Always wear suitable footwear

• Stay well-hydrated through out your workout

• Allocate time for a thorough warm-up session

• Monitor your form and posture consistent­ly

• Maintain a balanced exercise routine and dedicate time for recovery

Remember, the most important thing is to have fun while you work on getting fit. Celebrate the small wins and go at your own pace on your fitness journey. This year, promise yourself that you will focus on staying healthy and make it a part of your everyday life.

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Photos: Freepik

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