Costa Blanca News

Arrests made over armed robbery


By Alex Watkins

GUARDIA Civil have arrested four men on suspicion of robbing a warehouse at gunpoint in Redován in July.

The victim reported that the assailants had come into his business, pointed a gun at him and hit him with it, causing him injuries.

He explained that they then stole the till containing his takings and the money from his wallet before getting away on a motorbike.

Guardia Civil detectives based in Almoradí were assisted with the investigat­ion by colleagues from the unit in Alicante specialise­d in property crimes.

The evidence they obtained enabled them to identify the suspected assailants as three men aged between 40 and 64.

The suspects were arrested at their homes, two of them at addresses in Villajoyos­a and the other in Redován.

Officers searched the two homes in Villajoyos­a and seized €780 in cash, clothing and items which had been used during the offence, and the keys to the motorbike that had been used for the getaway, which was also linked with another violent robbery in Benidorm.

As a result of all this, the involvemen­t of a fourth man was detected, a 67-year-old who was arrested by National Police in Madrid when he was transporti­ng 70 kilos of cocaine.

Moreover, the firearm used in the Redován robbery was found amongst his belongings.

The four suspects are accused of belonging to a criminal organisati­on, robbery with violence, simulating an offence, causing injuries and illegal possession of a weapon.

They were handed over to a court in Orihuela, which ordered two of them to be remanded in custody and the other two to be released on bail.

 ?? Photo: Guardia Civil ?? Caught on camera
Photo: Guardia Civil Caught on camera

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