Costa Blanca News

Winter road plan activated in Alicante

Provincial government ready to act in inclement weather

- By Dave Jones

‘DUE to the fall in temperatur­es’ Alicante provincial government has activated the annual winter road plan, they reported on Wednesday.

Provincial deputy for roads Arturo Poquet said the aim is to ‘reinforce road safety’ by strengthen­ing their capacity to deal with incidents and maintain roads that could be affected by ice and snow.

Although snow did fall in high mountain areas of Alicante province this week, roads in the interior have not yet been affected.

Sr Poquet said the plan would last for three months – snow can still fall in the Alicante mountains in April, but the rise in temperatur­es is making this less likely as the century progresses.

The deputy explained that they have a team which is waiting to spring into action when needed, which is comprised of five foremen and 30 workers who have 10 wagons, three salt spreaders and three snow ploughs at their disposal.

They can also call on the help of three private comimmedia­tely

panies ‘who can take action if an emergency situation arises’.

He noted that the provincial government is ready to ‘give a fast and effective response’ to any inclement weather that might arrive.

They have 60,000 kilos of salt stored which is ready to be used in different areas of the province.

Sr Poquet noted that the provincial fire brigade is also ‘prepared to attend any type of incident’.

Helping the homeless

Local police in Elche announced yesterday (Thursday) that they have activated their protocol for low temperatur­es.

A force spokespers­on said: “Our patrols are passing through areas frequented by homeless people to offer them the possibilit­y of being taken to a hostel for the night.”

They advised the public that if they see a person in this situation then they can call 092 to ‘communicat­e it’ to the authoritie­s.

 ?? Photo: D Jones ?? Snow on Alicante's highest mountain, Aitana, two years ago
Photo: D Jones Snow on Alicante's highest mountain, Aitana, two years ago
 ?? Photo: Dipu ?? The Alicante government's reaction team
Photo: Dipu The Alicante government's reaction team
 ?? Photo: City hall ?? A local police officer talks to a homeless person
Photo: City hall A local police officer talks to a homeless person

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