Costa Blanca News

Massive police raid targets drug gang

Police continue to investigat­e leads in the case

- By Dave Jones

SUSPECTED members of an armed gang who were traffickin­g drugs ‘on a large scale’ in Alicante province have been arrested by the National Police.

Raids were carried out in Alicante city, Alcoy and Cocentaina by the special organised crime force, in which they seized three weapons that were ‘loaded and ready for use’, along with 50 kilos of marijuana and €100,000 in cash.

The guns were to ‘protect their drugs and themselves’, according to the police.

Organised crime detectives started investigat­ing the gang back in February last year after receiving informatio­n about ‘various Moroccan and Spanish citizens’ who were running large quantities of marijuana and hashish.

At first, the police had arrested suspects involved in more ‘minor’ crimes such as break-ins and scams which had been ‘carried out on an individual basis’, explained a force spokesman.

However, they found that they belonged to a ‘more complex criminal organisati­on’.

They drove very expensive cars and ‘lived the high life’ despite having no official means of employment.

As detectives investigat­ed the case, they found that this was a hierarchic­al gang which had members with clearly defined roles.

A leader was identified, who had a personal bodyguard that accompanie­d him ‘whenever they were closing deals or he was needed for other functions’.

Other members dealt with logistics, such as finding secure places to store the drugs and organising large-scale distributi­on of these substances and receiving payments.

They also had dealers who sold the drugs on a smaller scale. The spokesman highlighte­d the ‘large profits’ made by the gang in the criminal activity.

The sting

The National Police pulled out all the stops when they finally decided to move on the gang.

The air support unit was brought in along with ‘different specialise­d units’ and officers from the GOES special operations squad in Valencia.

Operation command decided to arrest the suspects in their own homes – seven men and a woman aged between 26 and 36 years old; three of them Spaniards and five from Morocco.

Only one of the suspects did not have a criminal record for similar offences and one of them was found to be in

Spain illegally.

As well as the drugs, weapons and cash, officers seized four high-powered vehicles which had allegedly been used in the criminal activity.

Six of the suspects have been ‘put at the dispositio­n’ of courts in Alcoy and Alicante.

The spokesman said the investigat­ion remains open as detectives are investigat­ing other possible links to the criminal enterprise.

 ?? Photos: National Police ?? Guns and cash which were found
Photos: National Police Guns and cash which were found
 ?? ?? Evidence seized by the police
Evidence seized by the police
 ?? ?? A suspect under arrest
A suspect under arrest

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