Costa Blanca News

Bid to reduce burglaries continues

- By Alex Watkins

RESIDENTS plagued by ongoing burglaries in Pinar de Campoverde urbanisati­on met with town hall and law enforcemen­t representa­tives on Wednesday evening.

This had been arranged at their last meeting in the Plaza Florida on December 10, when the authoritie­s had told them this would enable them to continue their investigat­ion.

In attendance were mayor José María Pérez, councillor for security María del Mar Sáez, local police chief Jesús Navarrete, and from the Guardia Civil lieutenant Mario and commander Santos.

According to a spokeswoma­n for the residents, they were told that the local police are still patrolling with support from the Guardia Civil, including sometimes in plain clothes, which the authoritie­s believe is why the number of burglaries has gone down.

The mayor emphasised that residents can pass any informatio­n to the police or Guardia Civil, but in order for more officers to be assigned to the municipali­ty, it is essential that every burglary or incidence of trespassin­g on their land be officially reported, even if no insurance claim is made.

The town hall is looking into the possibilit­y of increasing the local police force, but has ruled out establishi­ng a base in Campoverde because this would require other council workers to be stationed there as well. The residents responded to this by calling for at least one patrol to be in the urbanisati­on at all times.

Regarding the possibilit­y of more officers being sent to the Guardia Civil station in Torre de la Horadada, this will be assessed at the next meeting of the local security committee in February and would have to be requested from the national government’s office in the Valencia region.

“This is why it is very important to lodge official crime reports so that it can be seen there is a big problem in Pilar and we need more manpower,” said a security services spokespers­on.

The Guardia Civil also recommende­d that residents download the applicatio­n Alertcops, which they said is very effective in cases like these and notifies them directly.

The council is planning to install more cameras in Campoverde, and although these are regulated for use to monitor traffic, they still show part of the road and can be used to investigat­e the burglaries.

Other measures, such as drones, are being considered but they would require other permits and the council is checking how to obtain them.

The residents added that a majority of them would be willing to allow the police or Guardia Civil to use their land, should this be necessary.

 ?? Photo: Residents ?? The meeting held this week
Photo: Residents The meeting held this week

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