Costa Blanca News

Costa Blanca News’ weekly feature supporting local writers, in conjunctio­n with Writers' Ink

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WELCOME to our Writers’ Ink group’s weekly words. We provide news, views, tips and examples of writing by authors and poets, local and beyond.

Founded in 2010 by WordPlay, our purpose is to encourage writers to write and get them published and read. Keep writing!

Warm greetings everyone,

WITH, hopefully, glowing memories of a recent, happy Christmas celebratio­n, whether religious or not, this column is – as you will see a little different from the norm...

I recently received the following poem from a very disgruntle­d and loyal elf and friend of someone who needs no introducti­on. In fact, he is the most famous character in the whole world: Santa Claus, or Father Christmas...

Santa Claus or was he?

A dead-ringer for Santa: 'The job's now been done...'

thought on a bit further, 'think I'll have me some fun...'

so he phoned Holly Berry: coquettish and pretty, and he honed a short poem: a neat., witty ditty. They met up that evening and he plied her with sherry put logs on the fire the scene was so merry... The music played soft, the atmosphere dreamy. Holly was curvaceous – her skin oh so creamy.

But Santa, it proved, was not as he seemed,

and the end of the evening was not as he dreamed. Holly pulled out a gun and said:

“Mister, you're rumbled!” shocked, he fell off the couch and on the floor tumbled, “You're not Holly Berry – oh dear me, oh my!”

“No, you false Father Christmas,

I am a mint spy!”

The elf was furious that someone would suggest such a thing of his blameless, kind master. After all, he loved Mrs Claus and all their many sons who ran 'help' centres in the rest of the planet.

He wrote: “I'm sending a copy of this poem in the hope you will broadcast that it is a blatant lie.

Rest assured my boss loves his only true love: Ada Claus and will be back next Christmas delivering presents as he has done for so many years.”

Here's wishing you all, a healthy, successful New Year.


Joy Lennick

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