Costa Blanca News

Successful year for Sonrisas Harmony

- By Lynda Christophe­r, secretary/coordinato­r

SONRISAS Harmony has now finished its extremely busy and successful Christmas season performanc­es. The first of which saw the chorus perform at a charity event for Activa Los Alcázares business associatio­n, which was attended by many local dignitarie­s. This was followed with a packed schedule which included the Christmas lights switch on and opening of the Nativity scene in Cartagena, where Sonrisas Harmony sang to a crowd of several hundred people and were rewarded with rapturous applause. They also had standing ovations at Restaurant­e Encarnació­n in Los Alcázares and the beautiful San Francisco parish church in the centre of San Javier - where the mainly Spanish audience stood and called for an encore.

The chorus was so moved by the overwhelmi­ng reception they received at the events this year, especially the private performanc­es at two local schools - Colegio Las Claras and San Javier official language school. The students joined in the comical rendition of The 12 days of Christmas, and Sonrisas have already been asked to return for more events in the new year.

The Sonrisas Harmony fundraisin­g and catering teams organised a ‘café and authentic German cake afternoon’, which was a great success and helped raise much-needed funds for their chosen charity, the San José Obrero diocese foundation college in Elche.

The season ended with carols sung by the Christmas tree in Dos Mares commercial centre, with one very special seated guest Papá Noel.

The Harmony Sonrisas spokespers­on wished a very happy Christmas to all those who have supported the chorus over this, their first full year.

They are looking forward to 2024 with the chorus now having a total of 40 members from 14 different countries.

If you would like to know more about this ladies’ a cappella chorus you can contact them through the Sonrisas Harmony A Cappella Chorus Facebook page, by email to sonrisasha­, or through the website www.sonrisasha­r

 ?? Photo: Sonrisas Harmony ??
Photo: Sonrisas Harmony

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