Costa Blanca News

Another year done!

- Text and photos by Irena Bodnarec www.benidormal­

WELL, the day is over and we are all slowly getting back to normal, bloated from turkey and Christmas pudding, hungover and making mental notes to start that diet on Monday the first day of 2024. We have certainly been blessed once again, with some unpreceden­ted weather over this Christmas break. Those on holiday here can hardly believe their luck, and the beaches here in Benidorm were packed, even on Christmas Day. There were plenty of Santa hats bobbing up and down the promenade last week and on Tuesday the traditiona­l Boxing Day swim took place in Albir - it was quite astounding how many took part and it will be repeated again on Monday... just in case you missed it, plus one in Jávea on the Arenal which is always very well attended.

The tradition of making New Year's resolution­s is an age-old practice where people all over the world embrace the opportunit­y for self-improvemen­t and personal growth. One of the most common resolution­s is to get fit and healthy, and gyms will be bursting with enthusiast­ic newbies. Yet the enthusiasm with which these resolution­s are made often seems to wane as January draws to a close, leaving many to abandon their goals. The lure of instant gratificat­ion often clashes with the patience required for sustainabl­e change. When immediate progress isn't visible, motivation wanes.

Here in Spain, Christmas activities continue until January 6, so the focus on celebratio­n and indulgence lingers longer. The eating of the 'roscón' takes place - every bakery and supermarke­t will be selling them, some filled with cream, decorated with crystallis­ed fruit and, much like the British Christmas pudding, with a hidden lucky charm inside for a fortunate person. El Gordo lottery is followed by El Niño lottery.

But while everyone is recovering from the after-effects of Christmas, many are now looking forward to New Year's Eve on Sunday. One thing is certain about this night: the tradition of the 12 grapes! You can find them in almost every supermarke­t... in bags or tins, ready peeled, pips removed and grape for grape, as expensive as caviar! At the stroke of midnight, the mad frenzy begins... with each chime you have to eat/swallow one of the grapes! By the time the clock has finished, you should have eaten all 12, and if you have succeeded, you will supposedly have good luck for the following 12 months! This is a tradition in Spain that dates back to 1909 and was, unsurprisi­ngly, invented by wine growers in the Alicante region! They had a bumper harvest that year and didn't know what to do with all the grapes, so some bright spark came up with the idea of 12 grapes at midnight, and it's been going on ever since.

Benidorm town hall is hosting a party on the beach with a live DJ. There is a great party atmosphere with many taking miniature bottles of cava to celebrate as the clock strikes midnight - there are also television screens dotted around showing the event in Madrid followed by fireworks. I know that Altea will also be having a party in the church square with a live band to party into the early hours, as will many towns across the country.

Next Friday, the night of January 5, most Spanish towns will be having a parade to mark the arrival of the Three Kings. There will be grand float procession­s and sweets will be thrown to the excited children (and pensioners). After the parade, traditions marks that during that night children can place their shoes on the windowsill­s or near the front door to receive their presents, as well as leaving out some grass and water for the camels... in the same way that children in the UK leave a carrot for Rudolph. On the morning of January 6 they will have received gifts from the Three Wise Men... or, if they have been bad, a sack of coal! They are lucky to have two lots of presents - well, the children, not so much the poor parents who have to buy them. You will find that all the shops, especially the toy shops, will be packed on January 5 - which is why the sales don't start until the January 7!

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