Costa Blanca News

Calpe kidnap victim rescued


OFFICERS from the Guardia Civil freed a 24-year-old man who had been kidnapped for two days in Calpe.

During this time the captors contacted the victim’s partner by video call and demanded a ransom from her, while threatenin­g to kill the victim.

Operation Ejani was launched when Guardia Civil officers received informatio­n about the incident, with the kidnappers demanding €100,000 within 48 hours or they would kill the victim.

Detectives verified that the victim’s partner had received a video call as proof of the kidnapping. After intense investigat­ions, they discovered that the victim was being held in a house in Calpe.

Given the seriousnes­s of the threats, with the time limit imposed by the kidnappers running out, officers gained access to the house, where they found the victim in good condition.

During a search of the premises, investigat­ors were able to arrest three suspects, along with several bladed weapons with which they had allegedly threatened the victim. Two other suspects were arrested a few minutes later near the house, hidden in a van.

The detainees, who are accused of kidnapping, were sent before a court in Denia, which ordered their release under precaution­ary measures.

The Guardia Civil stresses the importance of reporting such incidents as soon as possible, either in person at the nearest Guardia Civil barracks or by calling 062.

They advise that if a family member has been kidnapped, stay calm, try to keep the telephone numbers where you are likely to be contacted free and be prepared to receive a call from the kidnappers; do not contradict them, but do not immediatel­y agree to their demands either.

Try to tell them that it is not possible to make the requested payment immediatel­y and inform the police as soon as possible of the instructio­ns you have received.

 ?? Photo: Guardia Civil ?? An officer at the kidnap house
Photo: Guardia Civil An officer at the kidnap house

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