
A flaming success for franchise owner

- Edwin Tshivhidzo

South Africans are known for their love of chicken as a source of protein, making Summertime Ndlangaman­dla to build a business around the country’s favourite meat, creating 13 jobs. Ndlangaman­dla from Mpumalanga, said passion and determinat­ion made him believe that he could own a HONCHOS Flamed Grilled Chicken franchise.

The franchise trades under his business Akhule Aphile (Pty) Ltd.

From humble beginnings, Ndlangaman­dla has five years of experience in the restaurant industry. He started as a waiter and worked his way up to manager at a popular restaurant.

In 2023, his life took a turn when HONCHOS Flamed Grilled Chicken approved his franchise applicatio­n. He approached the Small Enterprise Developmen­t Agency (Seda) which assisted him with a business plan and thereafter helped him secure financing with the Small Enterprise Finance Agency (Sefa).

“I was working as a manager, at that time. I was dreaming of owning a business of my own… I was provided a platform to pursue my dream.The five years’experience in the fast food out industry made things easier,” he said.

Ndlangaman­dla's franchise was opened in January 2023.

HONCHOS Flamed Grilled Chicken is a proudly South African brand offering a product range of flame grilled chicken.

Their menu also consists of burgers, shwarmas, hand-cut chips and many more. The franchise began in Pietermari­tzburg in 2005 and has grown to 98 Stores nationally with a footprint in Botswana, Lesotho and eSwatini.

Ndlangaman­dla's business is located at KG Mall - Kwa Guqa Shopping Centre in Emalahleni, Mpumalanga.

He explained that franchisin­g provides an opportunit­y to buy into an existing, successful business model that comes with a proven track record, a successful training programme, and a solid supply chain.

He advises young people to never give up on their dreams and believe that with determinat­ion it is possible.

“To the youth, you have to wake up and start searching for opportunit­ies that will change your life for the better,” he concluded.

 ?? ?? Summertime Ndlangaman­dla with his team at the HONCHOS Flamed Grilled Chicken in KG Mall - Kwa Guqa Shopping Centre in Emalahleni.
Summertime Ndlangaman­dla with his team at the HONCHOS Flamed Grilled Chicken in KG Mall - Kwa Guqa Shopping Centre in Emalahleni.
 ?? ?? Summertime Ndlangaman­dla.
Summertime Ndlangaman­dla.

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