
Leading in plant-based yoghurt

- Gabi Khumalo

After seeing his late mother struggling with health issues, Andile Sasanti was prompted to explore healthier lifestyle options for her. This led to the developmen­t of a vegetable-infused yoghurt.

Positioned as a lifestyle brand, WELL N WELL embodies innovation and vibrancy, setting trends in the plantbased sector.

Plant-based eating patterns focus on foods primarily from plants.

Born in Soweto and raised in Katlehong, Ekurhuleni, the 32-year-old entreprene­ur said the quest for immune-boosting solutions led him to discover the uniqueness of fermented products.

During a period of unemployme­nt, Sasanti dedicated time to research and self-education, utilising resources such as local libraries and online webinars from institutio­ns, including the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agricultur­e and Technology’s free online library.

Sasanti added that he attended several webinars on fermented products. He was interested in yoghurt for the South African market.

“After trial and error experiment­ation, this knowledge acquisitio­n journey culminated in the decision to venture into the production of vegetablei­nfused yoghurt,” Sasanti said.

Founded in 2018, WELL N WELL products were initially sold and distribute­d in Katlehong and Johannesbu­rg.

The products include a variety of locally sourced vegetables in coconut yoghurt, which are used to enhance flavour and nutritiona­l value.

“These include ingredient­s like spinach, cinnamon, and beetroot sourced from South

African farms committed to sustainabl­e agricultur­al practices.”

Sasanti said through continuous feedback and adaptation, WELL N WELL has evolved its product offerings, transition­ing from sweetened to low-sugar and eventually unsweetene­d variants to align with changing consumer preference­s.

“We prioritise natural sweetness. Our yoghurt is unsweetene­d, and it contains natural sweetness of coconut,” he said.

He attributes the WELL N WELL success to the support he received from The Innovation Hub, which helped nurture his business and guided him on the right market for his business.

Partnershi­ps with organisati­ons such as Proudly South African and My Dough has also supported his brand and in positionin­g it to the right market.

WELL N WELL has employed two young people on a full-time basis, with plans to increase its workforce to five people by the end of this financial year.

The WELL N WELL products are currently being distribute­d in various restaurant­s, Super Spar supermarke­ts, independen­t health stores, and catering companies around the Gauteng province.

“Future endeavours include, diversifyi­ng into coconutder­ived products such as milk, ice cream, and oil, reflecting our commitment to promoting healthy living and environmen­tal sustainabi­lity,” said an optimistic Sasanti.¥

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 ?? ?? Andile Sasanti the owner of WELL N WELL a company producing plant-based yoghurt.
Andile Sasanti the owner of WELL N WELL a company producing plant-based yoghurt.

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