The Star Late Edition

Bail bid in MKP case postponed


FOUR suspects arrested in connection with the murder of two uMkhonto we Sizwe Party (MKP) members remain behind bars amid a failed special bail hearing.

The accused appeared in the Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court yesterday facing two counts of murder. MKP members sang Struggle songs and chanted outside the court while holding placards with messages requesting the court not to grant bail to the suspects.

The matter was postponed to June 18 and 19.

The four suspects are accused of killing Bongani Mkhwanazi, who left a son aged 2, and Xolani Nzimande, who left a pregnant girlfriend.

Police told the media last month that the double murder happened after an alleged dispute with ANC members, while the Ekurhuleni Thathazonk­e crime-fighting unit alleged that there was a road rage incident.

As early as 9am, the prosecutor requested MKP members who had filled the courtroom to capacity to leave as the case was not scheduled to take place yesterday morning.

They were told they should return around 2pm but before 1pm the magistrate announced that the case had been postponed to next week.

Mkhwanazi’s aunt, Buyisiwe Mkhwanazi, said she was disappoint­ed that the court had postponed the case. She said her nephew and Nzimande deserved justice.

“Going forward, we want to see the law take its course. If the suspects say they were threatened, they should have shot warning shots and not 10 bullets at our children.

“The suspects are four and they attacked two people ... We are getting reports that more people were involved in this murder,” she said.

Mkhwanazi said the investigat­ors had not updated them on developmen­ts in the case, and what they knew came from the media, social media and hearsay.

“Our presence here made sure no bail was granted. I am glad all suspects were denied bail,” she said.

After the arrests last month, the crime-fighting unit confirmed that three of the four suspects were members of the unit.

MKP Katlehong leadership representa­tive Senzo Nxumalo said they would allow the law to take its course, adding that they were a peaceful party.

Ekurhuleni Thathazonk­e spokespers­on Simphiwe Khumalo said they were unhappy with the day’s proceeding­s as the State was not ready to proceed with the bail applicatio­n.

“All the suspects handed themselves to police and we don’t see why they can’t get bail. We trust the court and the system,” Khumalo said.

National Prosecutin­g Authority Gauteng spokespers­on Phindile Mjonondwan­e was not available for comment.

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