The Star Late Edition

Switching to influencer marketing


INFLUENCER marketing is not just for young, tech-savvy profession­als. If you’re looking to pivot into this exciting field, you are in a unique position to leverage your depth of experience and establishe­d network – even if it comes at a later stage in your career. According to Wikipedia, influencer marketing (also known as influence marketing) is a form of social media marketing involving endorsemen­ts and product placements from influencer­s – people and organisati­ons with a purported expert level of knowledge or social influence in their field. Transition­ing into influencer marketing at a later stage in your career can be a refreshing way to engage with your industry and audience in a fresh and dynamic way.

Here are some guidelines and tips from experts around the world:

Identify a niche

To make a successful transition into influencer marketing, you must start by pinpointin­g the niche where your expertise and passion intersect. This could be the industry you have worked in for decades or a personal interest you are deeply knowledgea­ble and passionate about.

Your niche is your anchor in the influencer world; it sets you apart and attracts a specific audience. By focusing on a niche, you establish yourself as an authority figure – which is incredibly valuable to brands looking for influencer­s who can speak credibly about their products or services.

Network strategica­lly

Networking is essential in influencer marketing. Use your existing profession­al connection­s and actively seek out new ones within your niche. Attend industry events, join online communitie­s and collaborat­e with other influencer­s.

These connection­s can lead to brand introducti­ons, collaborat­ions and valuable insights into what’s working for others in the industry. Your network can be one of your most powerful tools in transition­ing into influencer marketing.

Social presence

Building an online presence is crucial. You should start by choosing the right platforms where your target audience is most active. Create content consistent­ly, showing off your unique perspectiv­e and expertise. Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages, and network with other influencer­s in your niche. This digital rapport is essential for growing your influence and establishi­ng trust with your audience, which in turn attracts partnershi­ps with brands.

Engage authentica­lly

Authentic engagement is the cornerston­e of influencer marketing. As a late-career profession­al, your maturity and life experience­s can help forge genuine connection­s. Be yourself, share real stories and be transparen­t about your journey into influencer marketing. Your audience will appreciate the honesty – leading to higher engagement rates, which are vital for securing partnershi­ps with brands.

Use your experience

Your wealth of profession­al experience is a goldmine in influencer marketing. Share stories and insights from your career that can educate and inspire your audience.

Demonstrat­ing how your past experience­s shape your current perspectiv­e can help you connect with followers on a deeper level. Share your skills and provide a learning platform. This authentici­ty not only strengthen­s your personal brand, it also makes you more attractive to companies that value genuine and experience­d voices representi­ng their brand.*

 ?? | Freepik ?? As a late-career profession­al, your life experience­s can help forge authentic connection­s.
| Freepik As a late-career profession­al, your life experience­s can help forge authentic connection­s.

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