The Star Late Edition

Bakkie stolen in Limpopo found idling in Ekurhuleni


EKURHULENI police have recovered a stolen silver Isuzu bakkie in the Tsakane area, after it was reported stolen in Limpopo.

Spokespers­on for the Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department (EMPD) Lieutenant-Colonel Kelebogile Thepa, said the bakkie was found idling, its keys in the ignition.

“As EMPD officers were busy with visible patrols, they drove into a suspicious bakkie at the corner of Mokhantso and Gebuza Street. The idling, abandoned Isuzu light delivery vehicle was tactically approached and officers noticed that the keys were hanging in the ignition,” said Thepa.

“The bakkie was thoroughly checked and the results indicated it was reported stolen, the registered case number listed at the Groblersda­l police station.”

She said the SAPS was then called to the scene.

“All the necessary stakeholde­rs, including the fingerprin­ts unit, were summoned and the recovered light delivery vehicle was later towed to Aeroton police yard for safekeepin­g.

“Investigat­ions are continuing,” said Thepa.

On Friday, police in Limpopo had arrested a 36-year-old man after he was allegedly found driving a Toyota Fortuner stolen in Gauteng, heading towards Beitbridge port of entry.

Colonel Malesela Ledwaba, provincial police spokespers­on in Limpopo, said the popular sport utility vehicle, which is white, was stolen on election day, May 29.

The vehicle was intercepte­d and recovered in Limpopo on Thursday.

“The provincial anti-smuggling task team in Limpopo conducted a successful operation, intercepti­ng a 36-year-old male suspect who was en route to Zimbabwe through the Beitbridge border post,” said Ledwaba.

“The suspect driving a stolen Toyota Fortuner from Gauteng was apprehende­d on Thursday morning, June 6, in Matlala policing area outside Polokwane.”

Preliminar­y police investigat­ions have revealed that the vehicle was stolen on May 29 in Sinoville, Tshwane.

The provincial commission­er of police in Limpopo, Lieutenant-General Thembi Hadebe, has welcomed the arrest and the recovery of the Toyota Fortuner.

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