The Star Late Edition

Man ‘kills gran, cuts off head and kicks it like soccer ball’


A MAN, 31, charged with the murder of his 80-year-old grandmothe­r, whom he allegedly dismembere­d, has been evaluated psychologi­cally.

Thabo Ntokozo Nzimande is alleged to have decapitate­d Beatrice DeLange and kicked her head up and down with his feet like a soccer ball on Friday at their Pinetown home.

On Monday Nzimande made his first appearance in the Pinetown Magistrate's Court, where the nature of his charge and legal rights were explained to him. He chose to be represente­d by Legal Aid South Africa.

After Legal Aid was granted, Nzimande told the court that he was abandoning his bail “at this stage”.

The State asked that the matter be postponed for Nzimande to be booked a bed for psychologi­cal evaluation and for further investigat­ions as the post-mortem was outstandin­g as well as other aspects of the investigat­ion.

Nzimande was evaluated at RK Khan Hospital on Monday by Dr Sheroshnee Govender, whose report is attached to the accused's charge sheet.

In her report, Govender diagnosed Nzimande as having bipolar mood disorder as well as a substance-induced psychotic disorder.

He had a history of substance abuse, which included cocaine, crack cocaine, alcohol and cannabis. “He has been to rehab three times in the past.”

The doctor noted that Nzimande had two head injuries as a child.

The case was adjourned to later this month.

Responding to a media query on the murder, police spokespers­on Colonel Robert Netshiunda said the 31-year-old was arrested on Friday night.

“Police responded to reports of a man who was walking around the yard of an apartment at an estate on Maurice Nicholas Road. Upon arrival, the victim's body was found lying in the bedroom without the head, which was found in the lounge.

“The suspect was found at the scene wearing blood-stained clothes. It was then discovered that the suspect had cut off his grandmothe­r's head with a bush knife. He was immediatel­y arrested. Initial investigat­ions have revealed that the suspect was previously admitted to a rehabilita­tion centre due to drug abuse. The motive for the killing has not yet been establishe­d.”

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