The Star Late Edition



1 The board has declared a final ordinary gross cash dividend of 375 cents per ordinary share totalling R619 million and a special gross cash dividend of 325 cents per ordinary share totalling R537 million, payable from income in respect of the year ended 31 March 2024. An announceme­nt relating to the salient dates and the tax treatment of the ordinary and special dividend will be released on SENS.

2 Excluding lease liabilitie­s. 3 Effective from 1 April 2023, the functional currency of Omnia Zimbabwe changed from ZWL to USD, removing the requiremen­t to apply IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinfla­tionary Economies. As the comparativ­e results for FY23 include Omnia Zimbabwe (consisting of Omnia Zimbabwe and including the Acol joint venture and the hyperinfla­tion net monetary adjustment­s attributab­le to IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinfla­tionary Economies), the adjusted earnings measures, which exclude the performanc­e of Omnia Zimbabwe, remain the measures that provide stakeholde­rs with better clarity on the Group’s underlying performanc­e for FY24 when compared to the prior year. These earnings measures will be discontinu­ed from our 2025 financial reporting period.

Omnia Holdings Limited (Incorporat­ed in the Republic of South Africa) Registrati­on number 1967/003680/06 JSE code: OMN LEI NUMBER: 529900T6L5­CEOP1PNP91 ISIN: ZAE0000051­53 (Omnia or the Company) Executive directors: T Gobalsamy (chief executive officer), S Serfontein (finance director) Non-executive directors: T Eboka (chair), Prof N Binedell, R Bowen (British), G Cavaleros, S Mncwango, T Mokgosi-Mwantembe, W Plaizier (Dutch), R van Dijk Company secretary: A Ellis JSE sponsor: Java Capital Date of announceme­nt: 10 June 2024

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