The Star Late Edition




1 Ranted madly, being

passionate (6)

5 Sailor took poem home (5)

9 Old coin put away

in pipe (5)

10 Duck one links, perhaps,

with waterproof­ed cloth (7)

11 Hungry feeling when kitchen vessel beginning to glow (4)

12 Some time in snowstorm

in the present (8)

16 Saint George’s unexpected

detachment (11)

18 Listeners’ protection needs same ruff, only different (8)

21 Tolerates noise from river

below (4)

23 Animal, European, in more colourful surroundin­gs (3,4)

24 A profit once more (5)

25 Use a pole to find

chamber (5)

26 One having a drink

or a late meal (6)


2 Storytelle­r to recount

about past artist (9)

3 Warms up missing starter

and devours (4)

4 In-depth transport costs

for building roads (13)

6 Humiliated, but not fully, then establishe­d headquarte­rs (5)

7 Regularly idle filthy

goddess (5)

8 Some had option

to espouse (5)

13 Poker stake collected

by taxman, tenner (4)

14 A period to encounter

U-turn (5-4)

15 German lady orders a fur (4)

17 Cutting is onerous with

head chopped off (5)

19 A turbulent lake for

Cub pack leader (5)

20 Way trainee becomes

a poser (5)

22 Man-eater has

to improvise (4)



1 Go to sleep, doze

briefly (3,3)

5 Find disgusting (5)

9 Metric liquid

measuremen­t (5)

10 Plait (7)

11 Henhouse (4)

12 Place where boats are

built (8)

16 Captivatin­gly attractive

woman (11)

18 Laboratory vessel (4,4)

21 Kitchen worker (4)

23 Try (4,1,2)

24 Variety of unleavened

bread (5)

25 Towelling material (5)

26 In a straight line (6)


2 Money spent (9)

3 Undo (4)

4 Relations, kin (5,3,5)

6 Obscure or secluded

road (5)

7 Freeholder (5)

8 ___ Beauty, Anna

Sewell novel (5)

13 Cat’s sound of

contentmen­t (4)

14 Appreciati­ve of beauty (9)

15 Small voucher (4)

17 Edible internal organs

of an animal (5)

19 Keep out of the way of (5)

20 Plural of his or her (5)

22 Sharp device on

a cowboy’s boot (4)

 ?? ??

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