The Star Late Edition

Bird flu vaccines for laying hens prove effective


BIRD flu vaccines for laying hens are effective in practice, the Dutch government said yesterday, while confirming plans to vaccinate poultry against the virus that ravaged flocks around the world and is raising fears about human transmissi­on.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza, commonly called bird flu, has killed or caused the culling of hundreds of millions of poultry globally in recent years, most of them laying hens, which sent egg prices rocketing.

A first series of tests by Wageningen Bioveterin­ary Research early last year showed that two vaccines against bird flu, produced by France’s Ceva Animal Health and Germany’s Boehringer Ingelheim, were effective against the virus.

“In September 2023, 1 800 dayold chicks were vaccinated against bird flu. The results show the two tested vaccines are effective against infection with the virus eight weeks after vaccinatio­n,” the Dutch agricultur­e ministry said. “The fact that the vaccines work in practice is a very important step towards the large-scale vaccinatio­n of poultry against the bird flu virus,” it said.

Bird flu is raising mounting concerns as the disease is increasing­ly spreading to mammals, with the firstever outbreaks detected in dairy cows in the US bringing concerns about it spreading to humans through the nation’s milk supply.

More transmissi­on trials will be conducted over the next 18 months to assess the vaccines’ effectiven­ess during the entire laying period, the Dutch ministry said.

Australia last week reported its first case of bird flu in a child who had become infected in India, while a different highly infectious strain was found on an egg farm.

“The government intends to make large-scale vaccinatio­n possible responsibl­y, taking into account animal and public health,” it said.

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