The Star Late Edition

City church spreads gift of life through its blood drive


MEMBERS of the World Mission Society Church of God in Pretoria have gathered to give life to their “neighbours” in need by donating blood.

It was the 1440th “Worldwide Blood Drive to Give Life Through the Love of the Passover” and was held on Sunday.

The church’s Pretoria’s Cafeteria was full of energy where about 130 believers, their families, and neighbours gathered.

After successful medical examinatio­ns and blood tests, 65 people donated 29.25 litres of healthy blood. The SA National Blood Service (SANBS) provided medical staff and blood donation supplies to help participan­ts donate blood safely and comfortabl­y.

In addition, they expressed their gratitude to the blood donors who participat­ed in voluntary blood donation, and provided snacks.

Hlengiwe Lekoniya, donor recruiter of the SANBS, expressed her gratitude. “It is very important for people to donate blood. I would like to just (give) thanks for the opportunit­y that you gave us to come and get blood from the youth of the church.

“Thank you so much to the management of the church. Thank you for the warm welcome. Thank you for everything. We appreciate everything.”

And as the representa­tive of SANBS, she presented a Certificat­e of Appreciati­on to the World Mission Society Church of God.

In the title of this blood drive is the name “Passover”. According to the Church of God, the “Passover” is the day when Jesus Christ establishe­d a new covenant for the salvation of mankind.

It is a feast of God meaning that disasters will pass over, when it is celebrated. At the last supper with his disciples, on the day before his crucifixio­n, Jesus promised the forgivenes­s of sins and eternal life through the Passover bread and wine, which symbolise His flesh and blood. The Church of God engages in service with God’s love.

The blood drive of the Church of God is a global event that has been actively taking place for 20 years.

Those who donated blood felt proud that they had participat­ed in a meaningful event that saves other peoples’ lives.

A donor identified only as Wayne said: “It’s been an amazing experience.”

Chanelle Booysen, a member of the church, said: “We regard donating as important, because Christ sacrificed to give us eternal life through His flesh and blood. Following the example of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, we also want to share the love of God with our neighbours through this blood drive. So we hope that many people in our community and in our country join blood donations.”

Tatenda Faith Kanyenze, who has been taking care of her health ahead of donating blood, said: “You can save up to three lives just by donating a pint of blood. So every one of us is valuable in participat­ing to donate blood.”

 ?? ?? SOME of the 65 people who donated blood at the World Mission Society Church of God in Pretoria.
SOME of the 65 people who donated blood at the World Mission Society Church of God in Pretoria.

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