The Star Late Edition

Joy as Chinese Consul General Pan Qingjiang donates wheelchair­s


SOME people living with disability, and elderly community members in Duduza, on Gauteng’s East Rand, have been showered with unexpected gifts as the Consulate General of China in Johannesbu­rg donated wheelchair­s to those in need.

Joined by speaker of the Gauteng Provincial Legislatur­e, Ntombi Mekgwe, Consul General of China in Joburg, Pan Qingjiang said he hoped the wheelchair­s would ease the plight of the disadvanta­ged community members, while reiteratin­g China’s friendship to the people of South Africa.

“We are delighted to donate 10 wheelchair­s to the elderly and disabled friends in Duduza, in the hope that it can express China’s friendship and care for the people of South Africa, and that our love can bring some convenienc­e and comfort to your lives.

“Love is the most basic and powerful human emotion. It has the capacity to bind us together across difference­s in race, borders, beliefs and cultures,” he said.

“Both China and South Africa attach great importance to people’s livelihood at the grassroots level. (Former South African president) Nelson Mandela once said ‘a fundamenta­l concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionate­ly dreamt of.

“Our President Xi Jinping also said ‘barrier-free environmen­t constructi­on is a sign of civilisati­on of a country and society. We need to protect vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and the disabled, and to safeguard the basic livelihood of the people’.”

Pan said it is the responsibi­lity of every member of society to care for, and support the disadvanta­ged.

Addressing the gathering, Speaker Ntombi Mekgwe said she has establishe­d an outstandin­g working relationsh­ip with Pan, who arrived in South Africa last year and officially took over the reins at the Chinese Consulate General in Joburg earlier this year.

“Let me thank you CG (consul general) because since you arrived, both of us have been going around working on the ground in places like Kensington, Soweto, different places in Johannesbu­rg.

“Every time I call your office to say can you give this support, you always respond very quickly. Your Consulate General is located in Johannesbu­rg, and most Chinese people are based in Johannesbu­rg but it is the first time we come to this community.

Mekgwe also revealed that she still lives in the East Rand.

“I started my activism as a 16-yearold child living in this community, some of the houses were not yet build at the time. I grew up here, even when

I was harassed by the police, it was this community that was crying with my community,” she said.

To further deepen the existing ties between the Gauteng provincial government and China, Mekgwe revealed that she will be travelling to the Asian economic powerhouse on a work trip in July.

Last year, Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi and a delegation from the economic heartbeat province of South Africa toured China where several trade deals were inked.

For more than a decade, China has been South Africa’s biggest trading partner, and a major source of investment into South Africa. Officials say Chinese-invested enterprise­s in South Africa have created more than 400,000 local jobs.

 ?? ?? SOME of the community members and recipients of the wheelchair­s. | Supplied
SOME of the community members and recipients of the wheelchair­s. | Supplied

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