The Star Late Edition

#GeorgeBuil­dingCollap­se #George continues to trend on X after 28 workers remain unaccounte­d for after the building collapse in George seven days ago. This was how people reacted:



Most of us are not constructi­on experts but what usually causes building collapses is shoddy workmanshi­p or natural disasters such as earthquake­s, there was no earthquake in George so my guess is the former. @CandiceTan­ner9

Except the building did not collapse because of paying minimum wages to a bricklayer... it’s the structure (i.e. concrete and reinforcem­ent) where the problem lies.


This is happening all over SA. Unfortunat­ely, it took a tragedy for this to be spoken of. On just about every corner every morning there are unemployed men standing with building tools hoping they get a job for the day. No one can act like they did not know.


Without taking away the severity of this tragedy, does anyone know if the constructi­on mafia has captured the project, forcing their own team on site? As to the company involved and building inspectors, hope all your paperwork is in order.


This is a normal practice in the constructi­on industry across the country. So I am not surprised because we do not have active labour inspectors, same in the security industry.


Are we going to see a commission establishe­d to find out what happened like we see commission­s establishe­d in GP?


Is it normal for a structure this small to have over 75 people a day? Was it a case of we need to hurry and since we’re paying so cheap we can afford to have lots of people on site to hurry the building up?


A tragic incident that highlights yet again the issues around illegal foreigners in the country. The ANC ignored this issue for over 2 decades while the public was raising this issue for years. Same with Zama Zamas. Same with hijacked buildings. Same with health services & RAF.


Well, folks! Like I always say, “Cheap is expensive.” This a perfect example of exploitati­on of both workers and potential buyers.


I suspect awarding tenders to those who don’t a have track record of doing the job, in other words, corruption.

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