The Star Late Edition

Finding light in the darkness


IN the busy streets of North West, where life is colourful and full of energy, a story of strength, recovery and strong belief appears.

Mado Pitso, a 52-year-old from this province has made her mark publishing her first book, Daughter of Stars, in February.

Pitso said the book reflects the unfairness and challenges she experience­d.

“At first, I was seen as guilty even before my trial began. No one wanted to believe in my innocence, but I found a way to share my side of the story without being judged unfairly.

“I prayed and wrote a lot, kept on writing and I started to express my feelings in a more profound manner. The language barrier kept me isolated and that gave me time to recollect and shape my trauma into something positive. It motivated me to make all that time worthwhile so I could have something to offer my kids when I come out of prison.”

Throughout her time in prison, Pitso added that she dealt with the difficult aspects of the legal system, managing the complexiti­es of court proceeding­s and feeling betrayed by those she trusted.

Central to Pitso’s narrative is the spiritual awakening she experience­d amid the darkness. “Honestly, this in particular was spiritual and I would dream of the elements I could add to a drawing that precedes my poem to describe my feelings or situations.

“I am a high-spirited person and since childhood I have been having profound dreams about stars. Some I could narrate and some were and are so complex for me to know the meaning behind them. The title represents the person I always knew I was, a light worker.”

After her difficult experience, Pitso now serves as a source of hope and strength, inspiring others to overcome challenges. She encourages people to express their emotions and experience­s through writing, believing it’s a powerful way to heal and find peace.

Pitso added that observing what goes around her made her more selfaware of her predicamen­t.

“I read my poems whenever I need a lift, choosing them carefully. Sharing my story with anyone who will listen brings me joy and inspires others. I have learnt patience and endurance, and now I handle things differentl­y. I plan to write another book about life after prison, focusing on how it changed me for the better. I am also creating a coffee table book featuring my artwork, among other projects.

“I find it more satisfying to be genuine than to appear intelligen­t. Expressing your emotions through writing, including pain and tears, is the best way to mourn and heal. This is where you will discover your strength.

“As readers delve into Daughter of Stars, they will embark on a transforma­tive journey alongside Pitso, traversing the depths of despair to the heights of triumph. My story serves as a testament to the indomitabl­e human spirit and the enduring power of resilience to transcend even the darkest of circumstan­ces,” Pitso said.

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