The Star Late Edition

Graduate overcomes sickle cell complicati­ons to achieve his dream


AMID the celebrator­y atmosphere during the University of Pretoria's (UP) autumn graduation season, one graduate's remarkable story stands out as a testament to resilience and determinat­ion.

Samuel Imevbore, 25, the recipient of a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB) degree, had an unconventi­onal path to success, having been diagnosed with sickle cell anaemia at the age of 14, and surviving its many complicati­ons since then.

“I'm immensely relieved to be graduating alongside my peers,” Imevbore said. “There were moments when I doubted whether I'd reach this milestone, but here I stand.

“Navigating the rigorous demands of medical studies while managing my health condition posed significan­t challenges. It was far from easy, but I was determined to persevere, no matter the obstacles in my path.”

Hailing from Nelspruit in Mpumalanga and raised in Kempton Park, Gauteng, Imevbore's aspiration to become a doctor was met with daunting obstacles. There were numerous hospital visits to better control his condition, being diagnosed with dilated cardiomyop­athy in 2019 and being admitted to hospital for pulmonary emboli in 2021.

Throughout his medical studies, Imevbore's resolve was put to the test. Chronic illness often left him grappling with severe fatigue and pain, yet he remained steadfast in his commitment to his education.

“The option to pace myself was never there, because (studying) medicine always required more of me than I could comfortabl­y give,” Imevbore said. “It created most of my academic stress in my earlier years, and I started finding my stride only once I had prioritise­d a healthy work-life balance.”

He adds that experienci­ng the patient's journey first-hand has made him a more empathetic and understand­ing doctor.

“My struggles have equipped me with a unique perspectiv­e that I can now use to better serve my patients.”

Imevbore says he owes his family and friends a debt of gratitude.

“Their unwavering support has been my rock during the toughest

of times. I've also been supported by people everywhere I go. This includes people at church, in the choir, at work, the gym, my residence Ukuthula, in my rotation group and so many more. Their encouragem­ent and guidance played a pivotal role in shaping my

journey and instilling in me the belief that I could overcome any obstacle.”

Looking ahead, Imevbore is eager to embark on the next chapter of his career with a sense of purpose and determinat­ion.

“My journey has prepared me to

face whatever challenges lie ahead.”

Not only has Imevbore achieved his dream of becoming a doctor, but he has also inspired countless others to overcome their own obstacles and pursue their aspiration­s with unwavering resolve.

 ?? ?? DR SAMUEL Imevbore, recipient of a MBChB degree, battled through the complicati­ons of sickle cell anaemia to achieve his dream of becoming a doctor. Supplied
DR SAMUEL Imevbore, recipient of a MBChB degree, battled through the complicati­ons of sickle cell anaemia to achieve his dream of becoming a doctor. Supplied

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