The Star Late Edition

Effect Khampepe report, says Vavi


THE SA Federation of Trade Unions (Saftu) has urged the government to build houses for downtrodde­n people urgently to avoid another Usindiso tragedy.

The union’s secretary-general Zwelinzima Vavi said that would resolve the question of illegal occupation of abandoned buildings, which were often in inhabitabl­e conditions with no access to water, electricit­y or refuse collection.

Vavi said every tenant living in dilapidate­d buildings would opt out and leave them simply because conditions in those buildings are not fit for humans.

“It has been and it is still our contention that the government is the main culprit to be blamed for the tragedy at Usindiso Building because of negligence, failure to implement the (Joburg) city’s by-laws, and the ultimate crisis of housing that has gripped the city and the country at large.

“For instance, the Marshallto­wn Fire Justice Campaign reported that the housing backlog in Johannesbu­rg stands at 500 000 housing units,” said Vavi. Saftu welcomed the Khampepe report, he said, adding that it was a step towards pursuing justice for the victims who died.

The Khampepe report had found that Johannesbu­rg Property Company chief executive Helen Botes, Joburg MMC for Human Settlement­s Anthea Leitch and Joburg Public Safety MMC Dr Mgcini Tshwaku had failed to conduct an oversight and recommende­d that appropriat­e action be taken against them.

Commission inquiry chairperso­n Justice Sisi Khampepe said the process of demolishin­g the doomed Usindiso Building must now be seen to its final implementa­tion.

“Since all contravent­ions of the national acts and by-laws have been establishe­d, the city must engage in an independen­t process to determine who must bear individual responsibi­lity or liability for each of the contravent­ions found in our report, and to report any attendant criminal conduct to the relevant authoritie­s for further investigat­ion,” said Khampepe.

“The board of directors of the JPC (Johannesbu­rg Property Company) must consider taking appropriat­e action against Ms Botes, the chief executive of the Johannesbu­rg Property Company for the total disregard of managing the Usindiso Building despite knowledge of the disastrous state of affairs since at least 2019.”

The commission said two witness who testified in camera at the inquiry, confessing to crimes in the building, must be probed further for possible prosecutio­n for multiple murders and attempted murders, arson, the obstructio­n of justice and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm to the victims where appropriat­e cases can be made.

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