The Star Late Edition

7 top tips to secure a job


JUGGLING academic obligation­s while studying at university and planning for their future can leave graduates struggling to find employment.

But all is not lost – with some preparatio­n, and luck, you could land a job fresh out of the lecture hall.

Employment website Indeed says college is an excellent opportunit­y to gain life skills. It’s also a time when you’re surrounded by resources and people eager to help you succeed.

“As a student, taking career advice can help you feel more equipped on graduating. It can also help you become more confident in your skills and ensure you have chosen the right field, and guide you towards making helpful career decisions,’’ Indeed says.

Here are seven tips from the job portal to make it easier to find a job as a graduate: Get an early start

Start exploring possibilit­ies before you graduate. This may involve volunteeri­ng to gain experience that will look fantastic on your CV.

Keep your skills up-to-date

When applying for a job or internship you’ll be competing with other candidates, so it’s critical to keep your skills current.

This includes keeping up with technology and industry trends to help you to stand out from other applicants.

Stay on top of changes in your sphere by conducting online research, reading profession­al journals, or visiting the library.

Stay focused

It is critical to maintain focus on your work objectives and desires. Allow past experience­s to teach, lead, and drive you forward. Your mistakes might supply you with vital experience and informatio­n that will help you when confronted with similar situations.

If you find yourself in depressing circumstan­ces, such as a difficult job or under harsh management, focus on the advantages – these experience­s may transform you into a more hard-working employee. You can add this to your CV: that you endured and overcame adverse circumstan­ces while still performing at your best.

Strive for excellence and stay motivated

It is critical to strive to be the best you can. Recognise your flaws and have faith in yourself and your talents.

This can help you to focus on your goals while also allowing you to develop in your job. Aiming for perfection can lead to success.

Use your institutio­n’s career services

Use your institutio­n’s career services before graduating to help you to get a head start in your career. This campus resource will assist you with everything from writing a CV to finding work.

Career services at your institutio­n can help connect you with alumni in your profession.

Build your network

Engage with your school’s instructor­s, graduates, and other useful contacts in your profession during your academic experience.

Networking is an excellent approach to learn from other working profession­als who have gone through the same experience. Contacts you build can also function as references or alert you to crucial chances in your profession later on.

Create your own opportunit­ies

You can, for example, start a blog, a photograph­y business, or an online course to help you build expertise and abilities in your profession.

These can enhance your soft skills, such as leadership and communicat­ion, which are integral to most jobs.

 ?? Pexels ?? THE road to employment can be long, but with preparatio­n people can land a job a lot faster. |
Pexels THE road to employment can be long, but with preparatio­n people can land a job a lot faster. |

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